Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Dream with me..


Maher Zain posted a video, Ehlam Ma'aya, by Hamzah Namirah yesterday. Masya Allah, the video inspired me very deeply.

The utter frustration of Egyptians to their beloved leader, Hosni Mubarak culminated in a chaotic way. A very long fight to feel the real sip of justice. Some suffered losses of their sons and beloved ones, and some even to the extent of losing themselves. When injustice rules, many lives sacrificed.

I want to share with you this video, so that we can really at least pray for them. If their revolt succeed, they will open up an infinite possibilities, perhaps biiznillah, more promising possibilities in the future. Amin.. Wallahu a'lam.


Dream with me,
Of a tomorrow that’s coming,
And if it doesn’t come,
We’ll bring it ourselves.
We’ll stride upon this path,
Our many footsteps will lead us to our dream.

Dream with me,
Of a tomorrow that’s coming,
And if it doesn’t come,
We’ll bring it ourselves.
We’ll stride upon this path,
Our many footsteps will lead us to our dream.

No matter how many times we fall,
We’ll be able to rise again,
Find the way through, challenge and defy the dark clouds,
We’ll find our night transformed into a thousand days,
Only if we dream.

No matter how many times we fall,
We’ll be able to rise again,
Find the way through, challenge and defy the dark clouds,
We’ll find our night transformed into a thousand days,
Only if we dream.

Dream with me my friend,
Our footsteps will shorten the distance
I care about my innocent dream
Whatever it may be
It will stand beside us
No matter how long our journey becomes
Even if we become lost, my friend,
Our reunion will rally us toward our dream,
Towards our dream,
Towards our dream,
Towards our dream.

Towards our dream,
Towards our dream,
Towards our dream,
Towards our dream,
Only if we dream.

- Don't be afraid to dream. :) 


  1. baru dapat dengar lagu dia. Sedap sangat. Lirik arab takde sif?

  2. amin.. ada sekali jumpa haritu..tapi ni cri blk tak terjumpa pulak.
