Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Essential basics.

Basics. Fundamentals. Pillars. Foundations. Roots.

It's the source that expands, flourishes, nourishes, and shines.

Physicists believe this universe is made up of universal fundamentals. Fundamentals that hold true everywhere, in the Milky way or the distant super clusters of galaxies.

Chemists believe that the change is inevitable.Change happens everywhere, that changes inspire life.

Islam has its pillars. Strong simple truth, that builds a world view that is Godly, and at the same time, humanely blessed.

The world today lost their way, because we lose our way to the mastery of the basics. We lost our sense of humanity, religion, science, and courtesy, because we don't master the basics.

Simply put, basics is essential.

My life, always at the expense of mastering the basics. Even I often fail at it. Worth the risk somehow. When it comes to final examination, while everybody will stay and focus on spotting the final exams, I will withdraw to a silence spot, undisturbed, for days working out the basic formula and equations. 

Deriving, understanding, applying. I always do that. Even the urge to the short-cut of spotting finals is often seducing, but I manage to refrain myself. Most of the times, the working out of basics in my academics life would leave me sleepless for nights, sweating my forehead, the disorder of my study desk increases, the caffeine in my body system keeps increasing and often left me fatigued. I will read books that are out of my suggested syllabuses, just in order to understand the functions and derivations of principles in my subjects.

However lame it may sound, this regard to the importance of basics, always lend me a very special position in tackling exam questions. Even the question is twisted severely, I rarely lose my cool during final. My memories of taking finals are always relaxed, deep breath each questions, smile and able to do check my answers. 

And up until now, it maybe slow, but it has served me well, Alhamdulillah.

Weight loss and fitness
Often, people want short-cuts to achieve great things. In this world, there may be smart ways, but surely aren't short. Greatness is always paved with hardships and challenges. Great quality and result always comes with great efforts.

It took me months to really understand the basics of weight loss. That's only the theory. Right now, after almost one year since I've started going to gym, I still think that there is so much to learn. The form, the weight, range of reps and sets, arsenal of exercises and its variation, and most importantly, nutrition.

Like weight lifting. Often people are into the trends of lifting way heavy beyond their capabilities, when the real purpose is to provide stimulus for muscle growth, therefore become stronger. They compromise form for weight, therefore instead of going healthy they are basically destroying themselves. 

Insya Allah, when the aim is set, basics and fundamentals are mastered, you'll only need discipline to execute your way to success. And for me, the aim for the second phase in January 2015. 

Will be entering a new phase of life. Remastering basics of life, self-control, and many more.

To be truthful, just before the Swimathon, I'd imagine myself being not anywhere near from now. Decisions have been made after meticulous process. And insya Allah, I pray so that Allah bless and ease us.

Yesterday, I talked with Imam from Gaza, Imam Jihad. I escorted him. During the supper with AJK masjid, he talked about Qassam operations. Being the engineering student, both of us Imam Jihad and I, the discussion sometimes went deep in engineering terms, that pakcik-pakcik couldn't understand and his translator is having problems understanding too. So I decided to help explaining. And he was excited knowing I am from engineering faculty.

He went out later, hugged me, held my hand and my friend's hand closely, talked about the very dire need of Al-Qassam for engineers, especially electronics, electrical and mechanical. We talked long and lastly before we departed, I asked him and said "I want to be one of the martyrs. So, please pray for me, that Allah grant me martyr's death. That I die for Allah.."

He answered, why ask to die for Allah when we could ask Allah to live for Allah? Everyone dies, but not everybody truly lives. (He sounded like Razor somehow). He explained by what he meant. That if you live for Allah, surely by Allah's mercy you will die for Allah. No doubt. So, don't aim to die for Allah. Aim to live for Allah, you'll get both. 

He gave me the advice and I felt like, Subhanallah..like something is filling the void in my heart. I felt very calm, thankful and tears almost escape my eyes. I never thought about what he said at all before this. Seeing me emotional, he hugged me, and kissed my forehead deeply. And his age is the same as me. May Allah bless him.

He never told us how he related with al Qassam, but he sure knows a lot. When we asked about it, he said, not all questions can be answered. But seeing how close he was with Mas'ul for HAMAS in Malaysia, hmm.. I think he is deeply involved. 'Ala kulli hal, it was a very good advice.

I also met a lot of people, to ask for tips on cruising the next phase of life. Asking for what is fundamentals, that people often miss and overlook, neglecting, yet it plays the influential factors in life. I got many. I hope to apply them soon ^.^


What's the basic of life then?


Love Him, and all is well.

Moga Allah permudahkan segala urusan kita.