Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Light and Life [Part 3]



*Starting from this section - the sharing is mostly derived from a program named Friendly Comparative Religion (Phase 1), a seminar "Does God Exist?" and reading of a book "The Elegant Universe" and also from few discussions and readings. Any misinformation or inaccuracy is highly appreciated to be corrected.

Insya Allah, in this part I will try to relate some of light's characteristics with Allah's attribute and how Quran is proven to be an unbeatable ancient book with a long line of continuous scientific accuracy. Not a single inaccuracy so far and will never be. We acknowledge that Allah is capable to bless some of His power to His creations - such as love of a mother, caring of a father, wisdom of a leader and many more. Starting from this section, I'll try to build a logical correlation that eventually will lead us to the fortification of our Iman. Insya Allah. As this knowledge had done this to me, I hope it will also do the same to you.


Of Light and Its Curious Self-Introduction to the World
[Source] Hai!
Photons. These small packets of energy decorate electromagnetic waves. Various spectra. Before 17th century, most scientists thought light travels at any distance at no time at all. Before, it is the public view that light was emanated from our eyes. Like the laser ray of Cyclops of X-Men, or the Psybeam of Alakazam. Later, they thought light as a type of waves, and should be traveling in a medium. Thus, they postulated a medium called ether. See how light make itself known to the world. And it's just about its speed only.. Subhanallah.

Galileo Galilei -1667
Until 1667 Galileo succeeded in postulating with scientific proof the speed of light. Galileo was known for his brilliant scientific approach. His method was quite clear. He and his assistant used lamps. Can be covered and uncovered. With two lamps far from each other with calculated distance, Galileo uncovered the lamp on his side. When his assistant saw the light, he uncovered his lamp. By measuring the elapsed time and distance - in which speed is equal to distance traveled over time, he concluded that the light was 10 times faster than the sound at least. His conclusion: "If not instantaneous, it is extraordinarily rapid".

Ole Roemer - 1675
While observing Jupiter's moon, he realized that the moons' orbits appeared differently relative to the distance of Earth and Jupiter. If Earth was closer, the moons' orbits appeared to speed up, and vice versa. He thought, there was no way that the orbital velocity of the moons varied because the distance between Earth and Jupiter, the change must be because of the extra time taken by light - led him to induce a calculation including Jupiter's distance and accepted diameter of Earth that time to calculate the speed of light = 200,000 Km/sec.

James Bradley - 1728
This English physicist used stellar aberration to estimate the speed of light. How? Stellar aberration is the ratio of the speed that the earth orbits the sun to the speed of light. You see the light tonight -that point. Tomorrow - oopss already there, sort of. Change in apparent position of the stars due to the motion of Earth around the Sun. He knew the speed of Earth, he knew the angle of aberration - he calculated and this was what he got. 301,000 Km/s. Cool..

Hippolyte Louis Fizeau - 1849
I don't really understand his method. French. He used a rapidly rotating toothed wheel and a mirror 5 miles away. He shone a light between those teeth and measured the time the light reflected back in the tooth. With varying the speed of the wheel, he calculated the speed of light 313,000 Km/s.

Leon Foucault - 1862
French also, he used the same method as Fizeau, but he calculated more accurately. He included the difference of angle between the point where the light started to shine and the point it hit back. He got 299,796 Km/sec.

[Source] Who wins?

Today, the well-accepted speed of light is 299762.458 Km/sec. In the vacuum. So, what does Quran say about this? I mean. The speed of light - is a very important thing for us. For me, and human history I guess. Since we live, light is the first thing we see. And light had involved very deeply in human affairs spiritually, physically, psychologically, and biologically. Well, Alhamdulillah, my personal search went a bit well. Allah led me to some readings and discussions. Weee...

299762.485 Km/sec = c. That is the speed of light. There is something special about light. It's speed is constant, even relatively. For example - if I'm moving towards you 2 m/s, and you are stationary, you'll see that I'm moving 2 m/s towards you. And if I'm moving 4m/s but you move away from me 1m/s, you'll see me moving towards you 3m/s. But, light acts a little bit different. If you stay stationary, you'll have light moving to you with velocity c. If you move about 290000km/s, weirdly light will move relatively with the same c towards you. Suppose to be normal, light should appear to move around 1000km/sec towards you, just as the first example of me and you, but that is light. It is unique and special.

“The velocity c of light in vacuum is the same in all inertial frames of reference in all directions and depend neither on the velocity of the source nor on the velocity of the observer” Second Postulate of Special Relativity Theory, Einstein

Known, light is the fastest moving thing in this world, so far. But, there are some info which may interest you.
1. There is one more theoretical particle, known as tachyon which has the ability to move through warped dimension of space and time. Like star wars - the 'jump'. It moves faster than light, theoretically still.
2. In the early universe, the explosion and expansion also move faster than light.
3. Light only born around 400,000 years after the Big Bang. Nice shot heh?

So [Allah] decreed them as seven heavens (one above the other) in two days and revealed to each heaven its orders. And We [Allah] adorned the lowest heaven with lights, and protection. Such is the decree of the Exalted; the Knowledgeable. Quran, 41: 12

Light has been given the privilege to decorate our sky..  :)


I have got some ideas lately. Just now, I'm reading, alone. Suddenly Jeng Jeng Jeng, I don't know if it was my granny's or foreign guests from Batu Caves. Haha. So, I got the ideas, to smooth my opinion in this matter. What matter? You know, I have read "The Lost Symbol" written by Dan Brown. I just think that perhaps the one he described in the book as soul, isn't soul at all. Quran said that soul is a matter of Allah, and I take it seriously. Days after I read the book, weeks though, I think and try to have other alternatives instead of believing that they actually managed to weigh a soul. There are so many mysteries in this world, why Allah chose soul as his affair? There must be some reasons. You can't weigh soul. Perhaps I deliberately close my eyes to science, as some people would call, but my faith in Quran is stronger. I've seen science facts been distorted. But, I'm not saying that this fact has been distorted. It's just, maybe the thing they weighed to the extent of using almost 200 hundreds ill-to-death persons isn't soul. I think it's something else. What is it?

And whosoever turns away blindly from the remembrance of the Most Gracious (Allâh) (i.e. this Qur'ân and worship of Allâh), We appoint for him Shaitân (Satan devil) to be a Qarîn (an intimate companion) to him. Quran, 43:36

Every individual among the sons of Adam has a jinn who has been appointed to be his constant companion (qarin). Ibn Mas`ud reports that the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) says: “The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) says: ‘There is not one of you who does not have a jinn appointed to be his constant companion.’ They said, ‘And you too, O Messenger of Allah?’ He said, ‘Me too, but Allah has helped me and he has submitted, so that he only helps me to do good.’” (Reported by Muslim) Source

So, what do you say? Haha.. Let us leave the soul matter to Allah, not to 'touch' anything. By the way, Dan Brown has been a bit careless lately. With the Apotheosis concept, and the pluralism of Freemasonry brotherhood, better be more careful. It sounds pretty obvious though. With some stress in noetic science. Hm. Wallahu A'lam. Anyone who has another alternative, tell me. Still, I don't want to believe the thing they weighed was the soul, I would rather believe it was qarin, a Djinn. Weight losses after the subjects died, were weight of Qarin leaving the bodies. I would like to believe that. No way I'm going to believe they actually manage to weigh a soul. Although this thing filled my mind few weeks. Heh. After all, it is just my opinion only.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Riki Langkawi..

Ini gambar sedikit sebanyak ana dan Omar ke Langkawi untuk riki tempat Explorace. Bersama Ustaz Syukri, Cg Najmah dan Cg Sapinah. Alhamdulillah, seronok perjalanan walau penat..

Dalam feri, mengantuk. Langsung tak sedar cerita Predators yang ditayangkan.

Sebelum berlabuh, keluar kejap. Satu hari nanti, rasa nak pergi scuba diving. Jom.

De Baron Resort, cantik betul. Anak cg Sapinah sampai terlanggar cermin belakang tu, jernih sangat.

Perbincangan di Lembah Beringin dengan geng belia..

Ini kayak. Rindu kayak.. Batch dulu buat rakit, sekarang, akan berkayak 2km. Let see what you got.

Rusa ke kancil? Rusa la..

Kalau di KL, ikan bakar mahal. Sini, ha, free.. Ana dan Omar, bantai berekor2 ikan.. sedap sangat.

Siapa ada kolam kat rumah sila berlatih.. Kita tangkap keli nanti. P/s : tu bukan keli ye..sekadar hiasan

Jom tunggang..

Ini amat......... Tahu tak Batang Berjuntai dah tukar nama jadi Bintang Bestari tak silap.

Tunjukkanlah kami ke jalan yang lurus..

Ada kawan iras muka kambing ni..

Ha.. makanan kambing pun kene buat nanti.

Trio attack..haha.
Anak kambing baru lahir.. Bertuah dapat tengok kambing bersalin.

Alhamdulillah. OK. Untuk tingkatan lima, selamat berSPM. Perlumbaan yang menyeronokkan dan memenatkan menunggu anda di hujung tahun ini. Have fun!

Amirul Arif punya post pasal Explorace kami.. Click untuk cerita best! haha.. Pinjam ye mirol..  :) Ko tak free ke tarikh tu? 21-25 Dis

Friday, October 22, 2010

Dialog Si Tunas


Dalam menikmati cuti-cuti yang datang berkunjung di hujung tahun, saya berkesempatan melakukan beberapa perkara yang tersekat masa tempoh belajar. Saya berpeluang memuaskan nafsu menonton Discovery terutama yang bertemakan "Universe" dan adik-beradiknya. Menjadi bibik sepenuh masa tanpa gaji, menjadi driver, menjadi tutor tak berbayar kepada adik-adik terutama yang sedang mendepani gelora SPM (oh.. for them, anything I would give..) hehehe, menjadi teman berbual dengan si kecil-kecil sudah tentu.

Apa yang saya baru hadapi sekarang, ke'tersekat'an untuk memahamkan adik-adik saya mengenai satu hakikat. Menunjukkan saya sendiri kurang faham, mungkin. Apabila mereka bertanyakan tentang Allah - hakikatNya, perbuatanNya, 'superpower' dan 'kuasa'Nya, makhlukNya, rahmahNya, dan sebagainya. Kadang-kadang terkejut, mengapa saya tidak pernah terfikirkan mengenai perkara sebegini? I mean, it's not as easy as what I thought. Kita tahu mengenai rahmah Allah dan keampunanNya lebih luas daripada kemurkaanNya. Kita tahu Allah akan mengampunkan kita walaupun sebesar gunung dosa yang kita pikul. Kita tahu dan kenal Allah, dari Al-Quran dan Hadith, penciptaan dan sains, halaqah-halaqah dan daurah, tarbiah si ibu dan bapa, guru-guru dan pembacaan. Cukup untuk kita menitiskan air mata hanya dengan mengenangkan betapa baiknya Allah pada kita. Namun, apabila tiba masa untuk kita menerangkan pada yang lebih kecil, tersekat.. Tanda ketidakprihatinan sendiri. Mungkin. Mungkin kerana terlalu ingin si kecil itu faham tentang siapa itu Allah.

Apabila ditanya, harus dilayan. Pada saya, minda si kecil tidak harus ditempelak, kelak minda akan membentuk dirinya sendiri tanpa dibantu dan dipandu. Rosak. Minda mereka harus dilayan dan dirai penuh-penuh. Mereka suci dan murni. Persepsi mereka ialah persepsi fitrah. Menangis apabila lapar, diam apabila tenang dan gembira. Sekiranya dahulu manusia umur mereka akan meminta gula-gula, bermain lecak, membaling batu terhadap ibu-ibu ayam sehingga dikejar dan menangis (aku lah tu..ehehe), memanjat pokok jambu dan membuat style kelawar pada dahan yang agak tinggi jatuh konpem mati dan naik basikal. Namun, kini sudah lain. Kini mereka sudah pandai menginginkan bateri baru untuk dipasang pada kipas mainan, belajar mengenai basikal, mereka-reka teori mengarut seperti memasang kipas pada kereta Hotwheel, meminta untuk menonton Hagemaru dan Geng Bas Sekolah, dan sebagainya. Maksud saya, zaman saya dan zaman mereka sudah cukup berbeza.

Contohnya, Ayaz sekarang bertadika di Tadika Amal. Tadika saya dahulu. Saya masih berjumpa dan berborak dengan guru-guru tadika dia, iaitu guru-guru saya juga kiranya saya terlewat menghantar Ayaz untuk vannya. Semasa kali pertama di rumah selepas tamat peperiksaan di DQ pertengahan tahun ini, ketika waktu makan malam saya dikejutkan oleh perbuatan Ayaz. Saya amat faham, kanak-kanak tadika akan membaca doa makan sebelum makan. Saya juga begitu dahulu. Tapi, TAPI! Hanya bahasa Arab. Namun Ayaz, dia membaca doa makan dalam bahasa Arab, Inggeris dan Melayu. Hampir mendapat 'cardiac arrest' (betul ke? Minat cerita CSI haha..). Walaupun pada permulaanya berasa agak seram tiba-tiba dengar bahasa yang amat asing serta dicampur mengantuk dan imaginasi tak terkawal nampak Ayaz seperti menyeru makhluk asing dengan mengangkat tangan penuh khusyuk - namun Alhamdulillah di akhir baru dengar "Jemput makan mama, jemput makan baba, jemput makan Abang Asif........... long list to go for another 5 siblings". Kemudian baru ingat itu bahasa Inggeris dan Arab yang di'pronounce' secara pelat. Nampak perbezaan? Dulu satu bahasa, sekarang tiga bahasa.
Left4Dead2. Thrilling game.
Jika dahulu permainan komputer mudah sahaja; Pacman, Doom, Aladdin, semuanya comel-comel. DoTA pun comel lagi. Tapi sekarang, balik-balik tengok dia main Left4Dead2. What the!? Lepas hide game itu (ni kerja abang-abang la ni cuai sangat) dia teruskan dengan Plant vs Zombies. (Still with the zombies =.=). Tak nak pengaruh 'violence' ada dalam diri dia. Biar dia pilih 'value' apa yang dia mahu besar nanti. Alhamdulillah. Dalam masa berbual dengan dia, menonton TV, mengaji Anakku, dan main game - dapat lihat potensi kanak-kanak zaman sekarang. Mereka begitu cepat belajar. Budaya banyak bertanya mereka tidak harus dibunuh dan dicacatkan. Saya melihat ramai kanak-kanak pada hari ini diperlakukan sebegitu. Budak-budak mahu bertanya sedikit, "Diam! Jangan menyibuk orang tua tengah berbual". Bukan tak mahu hormat, tapi saya rasa orang-orang dewasa boleh faham kalau si bapa melayan kerenah si anak. Jikalau tak tahu, tunjukkan sedikit usaha kita ingin membantunya. Sedikit usaha yang kita akan melakukan sedikit 'research' dan tolong carikan jawapan. Biar dilihat generasi dewasa mereka generasi yang tidak berputus asa sekiranya lompong ilmu-ilmu mereka. Jika dirasakan soalan itu melampau, ubah cara baik.. Soalan mereka ialah pencarian si tunas dan mencari air dan cahaya matahari, jangan halang perjalanan itu dengan segumpal awan kebodohan dan batuan keegoan. Bantu mereka membesar, sihat dari segi jasmani dan minda. Siapa tahu kitalah si matahari yang si tunas cari? Atau si air yang tunas dahagakan? Jawapan kita menentukan siapa kita.
The sunflower powers up the whole infantry to fight the evil side. Will we be their sunflowers?
"Allah kat mane? Kenapa kita tak boleh nampak Allah?"
"Allah lawan raksaksa siapa menang?" (Pengaruh Ultraman Cosmos. Masa ada movie masa raya haritu Ultraman Seven Brothers, memang masa tu ha keluar la belang abang-abang main cop-cop Ultraman... memang *pendulum bowl betul!)
"Allah kuat tak?"
"Allah sayang Ayaz tak?"
Macam-macam lagi. Pada hemat saya, jawapan haruslah berhikmah. Jangan bila dengar soalan macam itu, terus "Haish! Apa tanya soalan macam ni?" Bukan itu caranya. Pada pendapat saya saja. Harus terap persepsi awal dalam diri dia - hormat ibubapa dan orang lain Allah suka, selalu belajar Allah sayang, jangan tengok perempuan tak tutup aurat, dan macam-macam lagi. These days, we are battling our own wars, and we are the battlefield.. (Tak ada kaitan dengan game Battefield ye.. COD is better.. ;p)

Pada umur mereka, harus kita sebagai yang lebih dewasa menerapkan persepsi yang baik dan benar. Ikat pada persepsi yang diajar sebab-sebab dan rasional mengapa perspepsi sebegitu dibina. Ajar mereka berfikir secara kritis dan sistematik. Kita yang lebih dewasa, semestinya lebih banyak pengalaman. Didik dengan baik, bukan mengarah secara membuta tuli. Jika dilarang, larang dengan rasional dan sebab.

Masa ini masa yang sesuai. Untuk kita terap nilai yang kita rasa diri kita terlepas pandang masa muda pada mereka. Hormat orang tua, jaga mulut dan mata, rajin membaca, hadirkan rasa bertuhan dalam hidup, biar Allah itu jadi macam kawan. Rasa hormat pada agama. Pandang matlamat dengan objektif, cara mencapainya dengan subjektif. Saya rasa lebih molek dan sesuai jika Allah dihadirkan dalam hidup kita sebagai tuhan yang friendly, loving, keeping and even hiding secrets, forgiving, and supporting. Rather stern and strinct, like to punish and burn, unforgiving and other 'strong' and 'hard' attributes. Kita perlu hadirkan dua-dua, cuma hanya pada pendapat saya, lebih elok dihadirkan yang lebih positif. Hanya pendapat.

Kelak, bila mereka dewasa, merekalah yang akan menumbangkan idealisme yang mengarut. Jelas pemikiran dan fikrah. Memanah hujah-hujah yang mengelirukan. Digilap kembali konsep-konsep asli dalam agama dengan gilapan pembaharuan. Bukan disalut dengan liberalisme. Tidak bertakhta di hati persamaan agama. Percaya pada benarnya Islam. Mengasingkan kekotoran yang dicanangkan pihak penguasa. Islamic Fashion Festival? Pendapat Dr Maza. Heh. Serius jelas penghinaan terhadap Islam. Ya Allah.. I really hope to live to see Islam shines purely in my country :) And it's up to us, to change that. And it's our duty to make sure the supply continues.. Erk? Adik-adik, bukan anak. Belum lagi. Teruskan menjadi contoh kepada adik-adik dan keluarga. Allah dah janji dalam Quran satu hari nanti kita akan disatukan. :)

Well, that's all. Got to go. Huha... Masih berebut setiap malam dengan Ayaz. Dia nak tengok Ceria entah Hagemaru ke Fukuchan, I want to watch Top Chef! Haha.. My dad said, "karang tengok-tengok abang Asif masuk culinary Amru jadi physicist pulak.." Haha. Tak ada lah sampai macam itu. Minat je...

* Pendulum Bowl = Mangkuk Hayun. ==.==

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Deep inside..

I have gone to Terengganu and Langkawi past few weeks. Trips that taught me many things. Been a busy period. I will write about them later.

Sometimes, what we perceive aren't what as we perceive them.
Yet, sometimes we perceive things as what they are.
Or as they should be perceived.

I don't know. But, I will never give up though. To search about the meaning of this life. Perhaps my life.
After all, do our life means the same? Or not. I don't know.

I don't know. Few weeks ago, I learned that Adam was not the first human. He's the first complete creation. Ahsani taqwim. The reasoning were quite strong.
Yet, I'm still in dilemmas. Were I to accept this. I mean, throughout history some facts were really have been distorted. Explicitly.
Miller's experiment for example. Darwinism can be a good set of example of how hundreds of discoveries were lies and deceptions. We cannot think scientists are some kind of people who devoted their life wholly to science. Not all. There would be some I mean.
After all, we still need to revolve around some more powerful inspirations. Some will have faith, or ideology, or perhaps just a person.

Sometimes, I think of changing my direction. From physics, to history. Or philosophy. Or mysticism. Or maybe mythology. I don't know if what I think is right. But, I think Allah has put all of His signs along the time line of our life. Explicitly or implicitly. I don't know.

Why? I stumbled upon some discoveries early of this year. About Dajjal. Not some exaggerated conspiracy theories I assured you. About how historians have found consistent signs of a mystery man. From the unprecedented mathematics of Mayan culture, the genius map networking at the Stonehenge, the genius hidden code of Terracotta armies' face impressions, to the myth of Merlin, to the designs and drawings in the pyramids and its architecture, and the list continues. Strangely, they found a consistent message in these wonders. From a man, will come to the end of the time. Weird and creepy isn't it? Heh. I felt that too.

Another weird thing emerged recently in me. I have been easily taken by the beauty of language and arts. Like I have been abducted from aliens of literature, or monsters of rhythm in when I listen to them. A Samad Said, he's a genius. Scheherazade's a beautiful song. Of course, not to take the story into account. Suddenly I feel myself so in love with these things. Allah..

You cannot escape to adore the design of the sky, the mystery of dark energy, the beauty of the precision, but you cannot also take your heart off from the beauty of literature, music, moral, emotion, system and the most important thing, they all take you to their owner. Allah.. Thank you Allah for creating these beautiful creature. I hope to meet you soon.. And I just also knew, Muhammad was the greatest man ever lived. I just miss him so much when I think of You. I don't know. Perhaps I want you to send him again to our world. Cure my world. Heal it. But, I know, it won't happen.

It's up to us then, cute earthlings to continue the job.

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Simfoni Kehidupan


Saya meminati muzik sejak kecil lagi. Amat minat. Tak kira pelusuk, muzik Arab, Sepanyol, dan China. Mudah kata, hati (kadang-kadang badan) akan ikut terhibur dengan setiap rentak yang dialunkan. Lagilah jika di hutan. Bunyi air menghempas batu, angin membelah dedaun, burung berkicau. Hati mana tak jatuh cinta.

Muzik yang saya minati, muzik bersih. Saya meminati muzik yang tenang dan aman - orkestra, mungkin yang berbentuk instrumental. Kadang-kadang apabila mendengar bunyi sebegitu, saya bagai dihanyut. Dibuai-buai sambil mulut memuji Tuhan atas penciptaan seni indah ini. Kadang-kadang, air mata saya jatuh. Mengapa? Entah..

Mungkin kerana itulah juga, saya kurang setuju dengan nasyid berbaur cinta(?). Kerana takut yang fitrah dikotori. Mungkin. Nabi sendiri pernah bersabda dalam khutbah terakhir baginda,
"Berwaspadalah terhadap syaitan demi keselamatan agama kamu.Dan dia telah berputus asa untuk menyesatkan kamu dalam perkara-perkara besar,maka berjaga-jagalah supaya kamu tidak mengikuti nya dalam perkara-perkara kecil."
Selalu juga terlepas, dengar perkara-perkara lagha. Minat ini perlu dikawal. Insya Allah, masih ada azam nak mahir bermain alat-alat muzik - gitar, piano, violin? (Tak payah, dia dah pandai main.. ;p) 

Muzik oh Muzik..

Bagi saya, muzik yang sedap dan menarik dan sebenar-benar muzik ialah yang menenangkan dan mendamaikan hati, serta menyihatkan badan. Teringat kisah ustaz Hasrizal bertanyakan mengenai muzik-muzik kepada peserta-peserta kem. Dia membawa reasoning yang cukup mantap. Mengapa semua tenang mendengar bunyi deruan air dan kicauan burung, orkestra unggas dan sebagainya (bunyi langsuir dan kucing mengawan tidak termasuk ye...)? Jawapannya - bunyi-bunyi itu adalah zikir kepada Allah. Sebab itu semua tenang - alunan zikir itu 'resonate' fitrah diri. Natural frequency. 

Tapi, dalam semua-semua muzik di atas. Ada satu lagi alunan dan irama yang Masya Allah - teramat mantap. Alunan semulajadi. Impeccable and Immaculate.

Al-Quran Al Karim
“Hiasilah Al-Qur’an dengan suaramu.” (HR. Ahmad, Ibnu Majah dan Al-Hakim)
Al-Quran. Kitab yang amat-amat-amat mengagumkan. Pernah baca? Cuba baca. Kesemulajadian akan menyelimut diri ini. Ketenangan yang dirasai tidak terkalah. Pelik bukan? Di dalam kitab ini dihidangkan pelbagai sajian emosi - sedih, takut, gembira, berharap, semangat, motivasi, mujahadah - namun setiapnya diisi inti ketenangan. Saya percaya, setiap daripada kita ada alunan dan tarannum yang memikat hati. Sebutkan sahaja qari-qari - pasti dikenali. Namun, yang lebih berbisa dan memberi kesan adalah lantunan dan alunan suara sendiri, dibaca dengan tahqiq dan tajwid, dihanyutkan hati dalam gelora keinsafan. Itu lebih bermakna.

“Tidak termasuk umatku orang yang tidak melagukan Al-Qur’an.” (HR. Bukhari dan Muslim)
Bunyinya tegas bukan? Sewaktu menamatkan persekolahan tingkatan 5 - antara persepsi saya adalah biar tak ada tarannum, asalkan baca bertajwid dan tepat makhraj. Namun, pengajian di Darul Quran telah membawa saya untuk menghadiri kursus kerajaan negeri berkenaan menjadi Imam dan Al Quran. Apa yang saya pelajari sememangnya mengubah persepsi itu untuk selama-lamanya. Sememangnya, ia sangat indah. Al-Quran yang terindah. Sains di sebalik tarannum dan pernafasan - superb. Belum ada peluang untuk betul-betul serius lagi. Harap berjumpa (atau tak cari?)

Inilah alunan terindah. Apabila dibaca, alunan simfoninya menghidupkan kembali hati-hati yang telah mati. Meruntuhkan tembok-tembok keegoan. Membasahi hati-hati yang kering dan tandus. Menyuburkan tunas-tunas pengharapan. Menguatkan benteng-benteng keimanan. Menyuntik semangat mujahadah. Dan membungakan hati dengan cinta, Simfoni ini - bukan sekadar simfoni kosong - ianya penuh dengan syariat yang menyelamatkan hidup manusia, sarat dengan sejarah dan perkara yang pasti berlaku pada masa hadapan, sains mengekori kemajuan Al-Quran, penuh hikmah dan peringatan - dan ia bukannya sekadar kitab biasa. Kitab ini telah terpelihara - di atas kertas dan juga di dada. 

Ini sebahagian petikan daripada buku yang sedang saya baca, mengulas tentang Al-Quran,

By approaching the Koran (Al-Quran) in the right way, Muslims claim that they do experience a sense of transcendence, of an ultimate reality and power that lie behind the transient and fleeting phenomena of the mundane world.....
Many were converted on the spot, believing that God alone could account for the extraordinary beauty of the language. Frequently a convert would describe the experience as a divine invasion that rapped buried yearnings and released a flood of feelings....
It was the Koran which prevented God from being a mighty reality ''out there'' and brought him into the mind, heaert, and being of each believer..
A History Of God, Chapter; Unity : The God of Islam, page 146, 147

Jadi, jom baca al-Quran. Teringat naqib saya di Al-Amin dahulu, Abang Syarif. Taklif kami baca sehari sejuzu'. Ya Allah, masa itu punya lah berat rasa (sekarang pun lelah jugak..hehe..). Tips dia, baca 4 muka setiap kali selepas solat. Alhamdulillah, gua bantai lepas Subuh dan Maghrib je. Hehe. Murajaah tak boleh tinggal.. Nama pun simfoni kehidupan, tak baca sehari, kosong rasa... :)

Love of this life - bless from Allah
Hadis Abu Umamah r.a. Nabi Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam bersabda:

اقرؤوا القرآن فإنه يأتي يوم القيامة شفيعا لأصحابه

Maksudnya: “Bacalah Quran, kerana sesungguhnya ia datang pada hari kiamat sebagai syafaat kepada ahli-ahlinya”. 
Direkod oleh Muslim

Moga segala tilawah dan usaha dalam menterjemahkan Al-Quran selama ini diberkati Allah. Amin. Kadang-kadang takut juga, baca Al-Quran ada dua ketentuan. Al-Quran jadi pembela atau pendakwa. Apa-apa pun, kita cuba yang terbaik lah. Tak dapat baca satu muka, satu ayat pun jalan.  Jangan segan-segan baca Al-Quran dalam rumah. Ajak family, biar satu rumah diisi dengan suara-suara membaca Quran.

Nabi bersabda "Sinarilah rumah kamu dengan mendirikan solat dan membaca Al-Quran". Al Baihaqi

Tahu tak ada teori mengatakan alam ini terdiri daripada 'string' yang bergetar. Simfoni dan melodi menghiasi alam ini. Dan bagi saya, raja segala simfoni, yang mana ia dipelihara oleh Allah sehingga qiamat, ialah Al-Quran. Ianya bukan sekadar simfoni biasa, tanpa simfoni Rabbani ini, tiadalah kehidupan bagi saya.


p/s 1 : Warna ungu tu Quran ana. Mak ana bagi hadiah.. harap hingga akhir hayat dapat bawa mushaf ini. Biar lusuh dirobek beribu selakan, biar usang didera air mata tumpah, biar kabur dakwat akibat semburan amylase saliva (heh?), akan tetap ku bawanya sehingga ke liang lahad. Insya ALLAH.