Monday, March 28, 2011

Success and chance


It is normal in my Further Math class, be it statistics or pure, at one time the whole class will stop talking and moving, staring to my lecturer, like we all do not know what is happening. Like "what is she talking about...?" or so quiet all 15 of us will have the face of complete lost and disorientation.

I have sister and some juniors who are still in dilemma whether to take up or not Additional Math for their SPM. My opinion, value it with your effort and its relevance for your degree, or diploma or whatever ambition you want to pursue. It is not about others. You do not need to follow the typical flow that implies 'Science' stream is better than 'Art'. The comparison should not even start in the first place. Because when you see how this world works, you will understand how we need each other. But, wait, I'm not saying that I already see the whole world works, only the tip of its iceberg can make you understand.

This week's Further Statistics class makes my day brighter. Alhamdulillah. After doing one after one question, proving one by one each formula, my lecturer gives us a beautiful advice. In my class, I learn about Geometric Distribution, geometric probabilities. It is about calculating the probability of success after n of trials. Calculating the probabilities of the number of attempt, up to and including the first success from n trials, each trial is independent. Like, if the probability that I will shoot the target is 0.2, the probability that I will miss it will be 0.8 (as miss and hit plus will be 1). The formula is X~Geo(0.2); P(X=r) = pq^(r-1). If I try 4 times, and hit at my fourth attempt, the equation will look like this P(X=4) = (0.2)(0.8^3).

The most likely that I will hit the target is on my first attempt. Why? Because the probability will only be p, which is equal to 0.2. If I don't hit it on my first attempt, the probability that I will hit it on my next attempt will be smaller, and the probability will continue to be smaller for the next attempts.

The probability is getting it goes..
So, what is it about, success and chance with this geometric thing? Thanks to my lecturer for giving us this beautiful advice. When we are given chance to do something, we must try our best. Personally, I often feel that, I can do better next time. "Relaks dulu" attitude sometimes makes the outcome not so beautiful. Even I'm sure that I can do better next time, and I do most of the time, but she gives me a headshot. She said, in  our life, in everything we do, we must try our best. In every attempt, in every thing. We must not learn to say "I will do better next time, this time I want to relax or do something else first". Because Mathematics has proven that it is not true. So, even in each attempt, we think it is so easy and useless, we must give our best so that we can live our life to the fullest. Gaining full benefits, from our best attempts. The highest probability that we will success is in our first attempt.

BUT, although the probability is getting smaller after we fail, times after times. Mathematics has proven also, that there is chance that it will happen, it will succeed. So, when you fail so many times, never give up! You must have faith, and you must bear in mind, there is still a probability that you will succeed. So, never give up. After she gives the advice, I feel so refreshed and thankful. I don't know why.

And for us Muslims, our God will always help us. When you do something, do your best, and let Him decide the best for you... :) And if we want to do something the next day, or the next time, do not forget to say Insya ALLAH.
Nor say of anything, "I shall be sure to do so and so tomorrow"- Without adding, "So please Allah." and call thy Lord to mind when thou forgettest, and say, "I hope that my Lord will guide me ever closer (even) than this to the right road." [Al Kahfi, 23-24]

Insya Allah, I believe in Him.

p/s - I think Mathematics is beautiful, but Physics is more earthy. Like my Physics lecturer said, If you think Physics is hard, dont blame Physics, the hard part is Mathematics, so blame Mathematics...haha

p/s 2 - Happy birthday to my beloved brothers Amru, Ayaz, and Saif this month. Ayaz and Saif got two remote control cars, and at the end of the day, it was their big brothers who played those cars, while the little two switched to more conservative toys like Hot Wheel and Ben10 action figures, Hybrid and XLR8. =.=

Hybrid. Saif's best friend for few days.. haha

Monday, March 21, 2011

Children; I have a dream.

* This post is about a program for kids - standard 1 to 6. Open. First of its series. Stressing mainly to live and translate the Sunnah in our daily life.

Last Saturday was a very tiring day. The day started with a program for kids; Program Aulad IKRAM. Me and other friends were responsible for conducting the activities, Alhamdulillah it went well and not well and we got positive feedbacks. Alhamdulillah.

It has been so long since I last interacted with them publicly. So to forget that I felt so powerless when being with them. Children - a different kind of human. That day, they drained me so much. I thought I could control them at least like adult and teen. Nope. That way failed. At last, I looked exactly like primary school teacher. I guess that is the most effective way. Don't be fierce. Be cheerful. Do not get distracted when some kids were playing and running and talking, it's normal.

We have put few elements that we thought suitable for them. Lagu tema, videos, and many sirah stories. It did attract them. Only when we have outdoor games, perhaps they were a bit excited they acted like gases. Running randomly, screaming, and poking friends. There was a game, for Ice Breaking where they were grouped. The game required each person to sound a specific animal voice that was designated to them, and to gather with same voice. The initial four voices were duck, cat, dog, and cow. Eventually they changed it voluntarily to monkey and the duck's voice they spoke sounded like a mutated duck with an integrated chip in its mouth. Weird. Perhaps it's the influence of today's cartoon.

Insya Allah, I hope we can prepare better for them in the next series. This one, it lacked of preparation from me especially. Insya Allah, for a better future. For a better generation. For a better line of future leaders. For a better life. Let us together contribute for a better world. A world that once had breathed with a peaceful fresh air of Quran and Sunnah during our prophet's time. A world that our prophet had promised in his sayings, a futuristic and idealistic period of the fifth, a peaceful one.

I look forward to live to see it comes.

A good video, Phase 3. Ada Bruce Lee dalam ni. Wing Chun mari...

p/s - Syukran pada Amin, Naim, 'Ammar Sahrim, Jannah, Dalilah, Aisyah, Nurazah, Husna atas kerjasama dan pertolongan.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Au Revoir

"Bila nta bertolak?" ana bertanya.
"Insya Allah 15 Mac ni.." dia menjawab. Hati ana gembira untuk dia, pada masa yang sama juga sedih.


Ana kenal dia sejak kecil lagi. Dia senior ana, setahun tua. Kami bertaekwondo sama-sama, lagi dalam team demo sama-sama. Satu Selangor kami jelajah berdemo. Selalu jugak muka kena reverse turning kick dia. Tidur hotel, mandi swimming pool, macam-macam lagi. Lepas itu sekolah sama-sama, sampai besar masuk DQ pun tempat sama. . Ana rapat dengan adik dia, sebaya dengan ana. Orang yang ana maksudkan ini, akhlaqnya sangat baik dan ana sangat hormat. Kalau nak diletakkan dalam rank, dia lah orang paling ana hormat selepas ibu bapa dan guru-guru yang ana rapat.

Sederhana memang sinonim dengan dia. Dia tawadhu'. Ada sekali masa ana tanya keputusan semester 2 DQ, dia diam dulu, pejam mata, istighfar kemudian baru cakap, dapat 4.0 flat. Ada lagi sekali selepas dia selesai A-Level A2, masa tamrin kami berjumpa. Ana bertanya mengenai result A2 dia. Dia jawab 3A dan 1B. Dia mendapat B dalam bahasa German. Ana dalam hati, oh..Mungkin German susah sangat. Dia pelajar pandai. Lepas itu ana tanya dia pasal ikhwah-ikhwah lain kawan ana yang di GMI yang lain dapat berapa. Dia cakap-cakap, pun ikhwah-ikhwah tu tak dapat A German. Ana tanya la, berapa yang dapat A German. Dia cakap, seorang A, seorang B, yang lain C dan ke bawah. Nak tersedak masa itu, dia dapat 2nd ranking untuk Bahasa German. Sangat-sangat low profile. Masya Allah.

Kalau tengok muka dia, rasa bertambah iman. Dia macam abang pada ana. Mentor dan guru. Masa ana jadi SU Masyab, dia pun pernah jadi SU Masyab. Ana rujuk dia. Dia jadi KU, tahun berikutnya ana pulak. Pun ana rujuk dia. Dia masuk DQ, pun ana masuk, ana rujuk dia. Tapi, rapat dengan dia bukan melahirkan rasa taksub macam kita taksub pada sesetengah tokoh politik atau PS. Dia pendiam, tapi dia selalu mengingatkan ana, menegur sangat-sangat halus, dan ambil berat. Ilmu dia banyak, diam dia pun banyak. Bercakap bila perlu.

Banyak lagi nak cakap, dan ana pun tahu dia tak online selalu, dan sangat rendah probability untuk dia baca post ini. Pernah masa kami berprogram di Bukit Fraser, kami disuruh tulis nama orang-orang yang kami inginkan jika berada dalam situasi tertentu macam ketika tersesat di hutan ataupun jika mati nak siapa imamkan solat dan nyatakan sebabnya. Ana masih ingat dia menulis nama ana untuk situasi tersesat di hutan, dan ana betul-betul ingat sebab ana ada skil atau tenang dalam cemas(sebab orang lain tulis macam itu juga), tapi dia cakap apa, "Sebab ana rapat dengan dia". For someone you respect so much, when he admits that he is your close friend, cloud nine la.

Cuma, sedih dia nak pergi ke German dah. Lepas ni tak jumpa dah program, tak jumpa dah. Sebab sayang sangat. Tapi takpe, lagi tiga tahun jumpa balik kan? Ha. Insya Allah. Cuma lepas ni kurang la ahli AJK kem tahfiz seorang. Ana doakan moga perjalanan nta dipermudahkan. Insya Allah, moga perjalanan menjadi Muslim engineer berjaya. Amin. Ya rabbal 'alamiin.

Barakallahu fiik ya akhi.

* Post peribadi.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Interfaith Dialogue


Saya nak berkongsi mengenai 'interfaith dialogue' baru-baru ini. Cadangnya nak berkongsi hari selepasnya, namun, tuntutan akademik tidak membenarkan lagi untuk duduk dengan aman di hadapan komputer.

Secara peribadi, saya amat menyokong berdakwah melalui cara ini. Kita Muslim dapat bersama-sama dengan penganut agama lain, berbincang secara terbuka dan berlapang dada. Ia sedikit sebanyak dapat mengikis ideologi pluralisme agama di peringkat individu, bukan politik, yang sememangnya secara asasnya adalah sama dengan kehilangan identiti sesebuah agama. Alhamdulillah, bertambah ilmu mengenai agama Islam dan agama lain, juga bertambah sayang pada agama sendiri.

Juga dapat membuang sangka buruk, pada masa yang sama menyedari keperluan berdakwah pada mereka, dengan cara melengkapi diri dengan ilmu Islam juga mengamalkannya. Sanatana Dharma - membawa konotasi agama sebagai cara hidup, walaupun maksudnya agak berbeza sedikit.

Ini sedikit perkongsian catatan saya..

Mr Chew, a lawyer. 

[Christian] Mr Chew Phye Kiat
1. Christian worship 3 gods. -confusion of the doctrine Trinity.
2. The Bible today contains errors and not reliable.
3. Jesus was a prophet
4. Christians dont have to be responsible for sins because Jesus had died for their sins.
5. Christianity has been the cause of war and oppression.
6. We cant really know God - thats why Jesus was sent

Cikgu Raguna, a friendly teacher, a modern Hindu.
[Hinduism] Cikgu Raguna
1. Hindu is not the name, the name of this religion is 'Sanatana Dharma'
2. Too many holy texts - no absolute to refer except the Vedas.
3. Ignorance about Vedas. konsep kasta tak ada dalam hindu, hanya level macam ulama', pahlawan dan hamba. jadi,, buat tugas masing2 masuk syurga. takde lagi tinggi dari anyone
4. Hinduism is polytheistic - actually, Hinduism is monotheistic, I guess a strong one, for real. Ekam Evadvitiyam, (He is one without a second, Chandogya Upanishad, 6;1;2) - Sebab ramai dewa, misunderstood. Hindus ada kebebasan pilih untuk potray image Brahmin. sama ada dalam bentuk laki, ayah, mak, boyfriend etc
5. Women's place
6. Culture and religion - cakap pasal jgn judge agama dari pemakaian.
* Dia minta kerajaan buat hindu council, fungsi sama macam fatwa council, untuk standardize kan hindu punye fatwa.

Dr Phar, a psychologist. 
[Buddhism] Dr Phar Cheng Kar
1. Are buddhist idol worshipper?
2. Buddhism is all about Shaolin Kungfu
3. Buddhist burns money, jocks and sticks for the 'departed'.
4. Are all Buddhists vegetarians?
5. Buddhism is for the old and the uneducated ones.
6. Buddhists are superstitious and unscientific.
7. Is the Buddha fat and has many hands?
8. Do monks ask for food and money?
9. Do buddhist priest gives 'yellow papers' to chase ghost away?

Bro Shah, a very objective person. 
[Islam] Bro Shah Kirit
1. Meaning of Islam
2. Is Islam = Malay?
3. Causes of misconceptions
- Media
-Prejudice - Culture and religion - macam di barat, nampak jambang je terrorist. sedangkan tu Sunnah mulia nabi, dan dia cakap, jambang tak boleh bunuhh lalat pun, nak jadi terrorist macam mana.
-Muslim - muslim sendiri tak faham Islam, dan buat sesuatu guna nama Islam, fitnah. - Islam tu susah - Islam mundur - Allah kejam - Semua agama sama
4. Surah al ikhlas as closing speech, pendek tapi padat - makan dalam semua panelis agama lain.

Q&A Session

Brother Muhammad..terbaik soalan dia.
1. What does Christianity have to offer me when I love Jesus very much, and I havent found any verse in the Bible be it in Matthew, Luke and in the Old testament that states Jesus claims to be God? So, now, what does Christianity have to offer me? [Foreigner, Bro Muhammad]

2. Fate pasal parents nabi Muhammad, Syurga atau neraka.
3. Ayt Quran pasal semua non Muslims masuk neraka, macam mana kita nk jawab kalau ada non muslim tanya.
4. Expain trinity.
5. Kenapa tuhan kristian pilih untuk reveal agama dia 2000 years ago? apa jadi dengan sulaiman daud dan ezekiel nabi2 sebelum Isa alaihissalam. Islam dr adam lagi, kenapa kristian baru? tak adil la.
6. Apa method dakwah hindu kepada org lain.


Alhamdulillah, kali ini punya dialog sangat tenang, gembira, dan aman. Tak rasa sangat 'intense' dia, dan semua pun macam faham. Alhamdulillah, rasa macam nak minta MCS buat macam ini di kolej pula. Insya Allah.. doa-doa.

Moga program sebegini dapat menjadi penenang dalam kalangan Muslim yang sibuk menyesatkan orang dan siapa salah siapa betul. Argue, not to win, but to search for the truth.

Tahniah IYC atas program yang cemerlang, cuma, mula lewat. Moderator sangat pandai menjaga masa, juga menghiburkan suasana. Terbaik. Untuk MC, lain sikit. Haha. Masa moderator cakap, ''Thanks Puan Raihana", kedengaran suara-suara "Alah..Puan ke? Melepas.." lebih kurang macam tu. That is a very 'what the heck' response from male audience.

p/s - hujung minggu lepas, gathering dengan rakan-rakan Al-Amin. BerCOD dan DoTA. Seronok bangat. Insya Allah boleh buat lagi lepas ni. Pagi sikit, berukhuwwah dengan keluarga. Sampai ke petang, diakhiri dengan basketball dengan mak dan adik-adik. Seronok. Alhamdulillah.

Assalamu'alaikum/ :)

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Welcome to Upendi.


An attempt to describe Upendi from my perspective.

*Upendi. For those who don't know what does Upendi mean, you'll understand by the time you read this post, insya Allah.

Upendi can be a place. A place where when you arrive, you'll feel happy. Calm and welcomed. A place, where you will feel tranquil when nobody is there. A place where when someone is there, the feeling is magnified. Such a magnitude.

Upendi can be a group of friends. Whether you have known them for years, or for days, they will still treat you as close and nice as possible. You meet them, they hug you. You look worried, they ask things about you and how you are doing. Even when you are alone on the verge of doing sins, they will text you and remind you. At 4 in the morning when you go to the toilet, you'll see messages reminding you. You can count on them on whatever things, and they will always be for you whenever you want some advice.

Upendi can be your parents. Upendi is there for sure, when your mum voluntarily want to help you wrap some birthday gifts and presents, and when you voluntarily buy her a slice of Secret Recipe to thank her. When you can share almost everything with your mum, and when you can look upon your dad as your personal hero - Upendi is blossoming in your heart. Well, Alhamdulillah, I thank Allah for blessing me a very supportive yet strict mother. And a very experienced daddy, he had taught a lot in my life.

Upendi can also be your siblings. Today, I ask my youngest brother Saif a question. A question that I have been asking for almost everyday since they(Ayaz and Saif) could talk. "Saif, sayang abang Asif tak?". He says "Yelah". Then I ask "Kenapa?". Usually he will say "Tak tahu..". What do I expect asking a 4 years old kid right? BUT today, he answers differently. When I ask why, he answers "Sebab Asif comel.." =.= Still, I know Upendi is there. Because I feel happy and so much love to him :)

Upendi can also be there when you give someone something. Tahadu, tahabbu.. Be it a nice advice, a 'charming' smile, a lift to anywhere, even a BOTTLE!

Upendi is there when you are at peak of your moment of solitude. Sometimes, not physically but spiritually. Only you can feel it.

Upendi has a vast meaning.

p/s - dalam mood mengimbau zaman kanak-kanak, Lion King, Mulan, Aladdin, etc. Indah sungguh..

p/s 2 - komplen pada mak, si Ayaz dan Saif duduk ulang movie kartun Upin Ipin dan Space Chimp brpuluh kali. Sampai abang-abang kakak naik muak dah, yang depa dua orang tu siap hafal skrip lagi dah. Maknya kata, dulu abang dan kakak pun duduk ulang-ulang tengok Lion King dan Aladdin, smpai naik jemu parents. Haha. Abang borek, kakak rintik, adik berpetak-petak. =.=

p/s 3 - sabtu Jubli perak Al-Amin. Jemput datang. Bangga menjadi Al-Aminian. May Allah bless all the teachers and staffs there, amin..