Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Soalan maut


Dalam perjalanan pulang ke Kelantan, ianya sudah seperti raya bagi aku. Riuh rendah dalam kereta. Siapa yang tidak bahagia. Lagi-lagi perjalanan itu lebih kurang lapan jam, diselangi dengan menyinggahi sana-sini untuk solat, makan dan berehat. Keluarga. Mereka amat bernilai. Ditambah riang ria dan tangisan yang 'super annoying' minta mainan dan Petronas oleh dua orang adik kecil. Tahun ini, aku memandu - pergi dan pulang.

Sudah dijangka. Soalan cepumas ini yang bakal dilontarkan oleh saudara-mara. Dewasa, sebaya, atau yang lebih muda, semua mereka bertanya. Aku amat pasti, rakan-rakan sebayaku juga dilontari solana sebegitu. =.=

Version aku, macam ni..
"Abang Asif, dah ada orang ke? Kalau tak ada ni ada calon ni.." disambung dengan ciri-ciri wanita solehah yang amat panjang dalam loghat Kelantan.

Dah ada juga blog kawan post pasal ni..Woha. Memang tepat jangkaan. Memang ada wavelength sama dengan rakan-rakan sebaya masa raya. Semuanya mengalami interference yang sama..

Bila ingat balik masa-masa lepas, rasa macam nak sorok muka dalam-dalam. Sampai tak ada orang nampak. Lari laju-laju, sama laju dengan theoretical particle tachyon yang lagi laju daripada cahaya. Biar masa tak boleh catch-up. Ha, kalau masa berhenti bila kelajuan kita sama dengan cahaya, kalau kita linear kan faktor-faktor tersebut, ekstrapolasi memungkinkan kita kembali ke masa lampau kalau lagi laju daripada cahaya. Kan? Best ni..

Tapi, apa je yang boleh jadi? Kan? Memori datang daripada pemindahan maklumat daripada dunia luar ke dalam melalui perantaraan gelombang-gelombang. Kalau ikutkan, jumlah tenaga sama dari dulu hingga sekarang. Andaikan kita kembali ke masa lampau bersama memori kita, bermakna, jumlah tenaga tidak lagi sama. Faham tak? Memori kita ada tenaga. Iyelah, cahaya dan bunyi masuk, berinteraksi dan sebagainya, ada tenaga. Kalau kita kembali dengan memori, maksudnya prinsip keabadian tenaga telah di'violate'. Jadi, takkan di'violate' sepatutnya. Jadi, apa guna kembali ke masa lampau kalau tak ada memori kita untuk kita jadikan sebagai pengajaran? Hm.. Tak apa, yang lepas itu lepas. Bagi aku, masa lepas membentuk masa kini, masa kini menentukan masa hadapan.

Come on, kita bukan nak jadi pengikut determinism atau Tao pun untuk kita cakap, "Oh..I need to do nothing, it was all predestined." Untuk aku, aku ada Islam.

I believe each of us has been through this kind of thing. To get abducted from this real world to another kind of world. Or if some of us haven't, at least almost. This feeling, is a test for us in which Allah wants to test us - how do we deal with this feeling? Just as if you have a knife. Or even FaceBook.

And I believe, when we are blessed with this feeling or some of us search for this feeling, we are subjected to a very hard test. When it comes, your ratiocination process goes away, your subjective and objective views of certain things become distorted, and you might as well get sucked out from the real life. It is the time, to apply all what we have learned. You can choose whether to escalate to the next level of wrongness (in Islam, known context and definition) which is to go coupling - having to know your love really well OR you can choose to postpone the wish (which is safer after all considerations are taken) OR you can choose to move on by lifting the seriousness of your feeling to family level. It is safer if we have our future relation to be managed by our family or Naqib.

As for me, if we are daring enough or we cannot contain the feeling - just pass the matter to our Naqib/Naqibah and parents. Just let they settle it. Politely and ethically - safe for both. On the other hand if we choose to have the first choice in which we know it MIGHT lead to problems, we might need to consider another problems. An unseen ones. We called it 'barakah'. The blessings we get for doing what Allah loves. The first choice - we know we will lose this barakah. Logically, as a Muslim, barakah is vital for a relationship to last long because we believe this relationship is based on Allah. We need to have barakah. As the chaos theory describes - the decision we make now is vital for our future. This life isn't simple as we thought. The Butterfly Effect. Thus, in order to be happily married ever after - barakah is what we need. Barakah comes from Redha. Both Allah and indirectly parents.

So, the first one won't be my option. Insya Allah. Next - what do we need to have or to be in order to be blessed a perfectly matching soul mate? Perfect to us is known. No need to elaborate. Perfect doesn't mean she has no mistakes. We are talking in human sense. Perfect isn't human :p

Vile women are for vile men, and vile men for vile women. Good women are for good men, and good men for good women; such are innocent of that which people say: For them is pardon and a bountiful provision.  An-Nuur - 26

Each of us wants a perfect soul mate. In order to be blessed one, we need to be a faithful servant to Allah. By following what Allah says, what our Prophet shows, what the classical views and modern views of the concept, and what good people do. A good relationship does not only generate happiness in this world, but for the here-after also. Such that the power of a blessed relationship.

As for now, all we need to do is being a faithful servant. For if we dream to be a loyal partner, firstly we need and must be loyal and obedient to Allah. By being that, I can assure myself to be a committed partner. So, how can I have a healthy life before marriage?

Woha.. This is my opinion only. Further acceptance of reasons is wholly on your choice.
1. If you don't have any feeling, don't pray for it too early. Pray to Allah to bless it to you when you're ready. Focus yourself to your life, excel and do your best.

2. If you have any feeling, best to keep it.

"Sesiapa yang jatuh cinta, kemudian menyembunyikannya hingga kematian menjemputnya, maka dia adalah seorang mati syahid."
(Riwayat Hakim, Ibn Asakir, al-Dailami)

3. If you can't keep it, too heavy to contain it, use the right channel to express your love. You can choose whether to meet her parents yourself,  or through your parents, trustful messenger, or Naqib.

Ting!..So, well enough to explain. We are in the golden age. If we are to be the Guy, Rock Lee's sensei, we would be screaming the whole day "Youth!!!!!!". Haha.. As for me, it is indeed a test. Waha.. this is what I guess meant by tarbiyah or education.
"Education is what remains after one has forgotten everything he learned in school." Einstein. Haha..
It's time to apply... operibus anteire! Leading the way with deeds!


Lately, I'm very into history and mysticism. Still reading ''A History of God'' and it's getting interesting and interesting. I stumbled upon a book, ''Religion and Science'' at Kinokuniya - sangatlah mahal RM 100 lebih.. :)

Okeh.. Left three more weeks before cuti! :) 


  1. apa maksudnye akak?

  2. pergh..aku mengidam dpt berfikir mcm ko..huhu,

  3. I am attracted by the memory thingy. Hah, about the amount of energy of past, prsent and future, i guess, it has no contradictory to Allah's saying in the Koran, about there is no change in Allah's creation.

    But to interpret our memory as a form of energy.. hmm, that's interesting. i dont know if energy could be classified as matter or not. But for energy to deliberately dissipate there must be wave or particle carrier. Then, if so, memory is material.

    And, tarra, materialism wins the case of proving the reality as material.

    Well, I am not a fan of materialism.. would you do some enlightenment - or - any reading material suggestion?

    Syukran =)

  4. hanif - takde pape lah..accidentally je ni..

    syazwan - ahaha.. yep2. pasal materialism, yelah, takkan la hang peminat. ada some mgkn boleh bantu. buku harun yahya - The Eternal Has Begun, dengan Timelessness and Destiny(tak konpem), tapi both issues ni boleh buat yg terbaca sedar btol2, this world is really an illusion. strong arguments i would say.

  5. asif, is firas still blogging?
    i'm longing to read his masterpiece =p

    p/s: aku ade perasaan yg ko akan jadik manusia hebat satu hari nnti. i always love your intellectual sentences which only certain people are able to express it in words..

  6. afique - haha..he's busy i guess. well-known, a medic student mesti bz.. not yet kot. fb pun jarang.

    p/s: why macam ueekk tahap gaban je bunyi nye..haha. takdelah. im not even certain of my future. there a lot better than me, and u r.. :)
    thanks btw.. motivational

  7. klu dh ade,gtw ana skali ek,and ajok bekwoh etep

  8. ngarut gapo gak kama weh..

    bekwoh lambat lagi..
