Wednesday, January 20, 2010

I love You

I don't know if this feeling is real. I feel it. What about you? You lived your life. You prostrated to Allah at the end of the day. You prayed in the morning, full of hope. You filled your heart with His grace. You observed His creations, you praised Him. You tried to follow the Sunnah, and your heart swelled with love for Muhammad. You kept in touch with your friends. You stayed connected with your family. You love them very much. Call and text. You did everything as best as you could. You dreamed of becoming a Muslim that will help Islam. After all that you had, still in your heart you feel there's an empty space. God intentionally emptied the space for a special person. For her, your wife and soul mate. Your heart longingly missing her.

My dear, although I DON'T KNOW YOU YET. You may be someone I know. Or maybe not. I just want to say,

I love you and I miss you very much. Do keep your heart just for me. Do be a good servant of Allah. Do be a good daughter. I love you my dear, Lillah. Take care my dear!


  1. Fuh,puitis..biasa baca yg dlm versi BM je..:)
    BTW,begitulah juga surat dr dia utk anda..
    Jadi dua2 perlu islah diri selalu..

    Semoga berjaya!

  2. i have an urge within my conscience to write a post with the very "message" as u did..

    tp tah la.. kinda "evaporated" nowadays.. still though, we love persons we dont know! haha..

  3. attoyibuna lit toyyibah..

    i.Allah..ana doakan yg terbaik utk nta..
    sweet sgt..

  4. this is so touching my icy cold heart just melt

  5. sudah tak sabar dah ke?

  6. suhaib - ye ke? Puitis ke? Hehe...ya..itu saya tau..hehe

    syazwan - hoyeh...ana wat klo nta wat sure lg ramai 'admirer' nta..hehe..

    najihah - syukran ya ukht.

    azizi - melt ke? ohehehe... ;)

    Anonymous - bukan tak sabar, cuma, nak lepas dengan elok dan manfaat apa yang rmaja2 spt ana rasa..yg da 'ada' tak rasa la..yg 'xde' lg..Allah x cmpak lg.. :)

  7. kenapa kerasaan seperti meremang bulu roma?adakah salah tafsir?

    hanya persepsi manusia biasa barangkali.

  8. Agaknya berapa lama perlu kita tunggu untuk kekosongan tu diisi? Meremang gak la ana baca post ni...tak tau nape...lain kot...

  9. anon - kalau meremang tu salah tafsir la tu..konpem..

    afiq - do we need to wait? Ana rasa baik fokus perkara jodoh tu nta tnggu atau tak datang jugak. tak kat sini, kat syurga..xplu faham lg..tunggu keluar skola menengah..hehe..

  10. kalau saya meremang, salah tafsir, afiq pun salah tafsir...dia pun meremangkan..

    post lain dari lain kot..

  11. anonymous..asal pelik ek komen nta?
    rs cam ntah pape je..
    kalo meremang 2 salah tafsir la 2.. btol la ckp asip..mmg la laen dr yg laen..
    br ORI..haha

  12. Ana maksudkan kekosongan nta...bukan ana

  13. sweeeeeet. memang bini asif ni bertuah orangnya.:)

  14. ada baca ayat yang hampir 90% serupa kat sini

    hopefully yours is the real. Siapa copy siapa ni?
