Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Momentum 10 malam terakhir..


Alhamdulillah. Momentum aku berjalan lancar setakat ini.. Moga terus istiqamah.

Senior-senior yang mantap. Alhamdulillah, sempat liqa' sebentar. Syok ada senior macam ini, iman terjaga bila duduk dengan mereka.
Yang baju putih tu, adik aku, Amru. Dia memang kerek, dia buat rekod abang dia ni macam 'useless'. Dia dah khatam lima kali masa malam ke 21, and me, five kali khatam is my record. Personal la..tapi takpe, as long as istiqamah jalan la kan. Base number khatam aku - two times. Jadi, kira istiqamah la as long as tak kurang two times kan? Haha..

Ini Ustal Bil Ghaith(ejaan tak pasti), Ikhwanul Muslimin dari Algeria. Kata naqib, dia sapu semua jadual bagi tazkirah sepuluh malam terakhir. Ha, tazkirah bukan pas tarawih terus, masa dia bagi ini jam menunjukkan pukul 1.20 pagi! Dia boleh cakap Bahasa Melayu. Cool..Haha. Macam itulah UIA, masjid dia hidup setiap masa bila 10 malam terakhir. Nikmat..

Ha..ini gambar penonton. Ramai jugak. Cuma, segan nak bangun nak ambil gambar. Retarded kot orang tengah dengar tazkirah kita bangun ambil gambar, macam tak respect.
Inilah crowdedness di tingkat tiga masjid UIA.
Oh..itu auza'ie dan hariz afiq. Awau-awau tu kawan aku. Kami baru habis mesyuarat sebelum tu, prepare reunion caliph14.

Jangan main-main. Aku cakap memang hidup masjid ni. Ha, ini Qiam pukul 4 pagi. Ramai kan yang datang solat?  Imam pun masyuk, Imam Idris Basyir. No wonder la boleh menangis sampai sedu-sedu kan?
Dua syeikh yang dirindui. Ust Usman dan Abang Syarif aka Sarep.
Akhir kata, iktikaf malam ke 21 saya diakhiri dengan Seminar Islam@nusantara oleh Dr Hafidzi. Masya ALLAH, merdeka kita berkait rapat dengan perjuangan Islam. Aku bercita-cita untuk berperanan dalam kebangkitan Islam yang terakhir.

Alhamdulillah. Itu sahaja. Aku terfikir, dalam cycle tamadun. Adakah kebangkitan Islam kali ini akan disusuli dengan kejatuhan semula? Atau adakah ianya kebangkitan terakhir dalam tempoh ini? Jika ianya yang terakhir, persediaan perlu lebih rapi. Dajjal akan tiba..

"Esarus that no' darador"..


p/s : kawan-kawan caliph, ahad ini jom berkumpul ramai-ramai di Masjid UIA kalau free. Buat halaqah and tazkirah masing-masing. MOga bertambah iman dan amal.. :)

Saturday, August 28, 2010

The Particle Physics Song


While I was a bit down, worrying how bad I have done in my Further Mathematics Pure Test 2, a friend, Syazwan Azhar, a good friend came to cheer me up with this video.

So, as this video had caused me to laugh the moment the first frame animated until the last frame froze, I hope it do bring you the joy too.

I have known a few who have some 'love' in Physics - so, I wish to dedicate this video to them. You know, even at the starting point, I knew this would have been a very tough journey. Full of numbers. You can't help missing your real practical things. Up to this point, I have been studying some intangible and untouchable laws - not like chemistry and bio where you can really view what operate behind them, Physics a bit different.

While Pure Math and Further Pure are really doing their work - keep students 'high', Economics is worse than Form 5 Additional Math as it's graphs are more hideous than Add Maths'. Trigono functions' graphs are better :)

So, to Asyraf Roslan (Manchester will-be graduate), Syazwan Azhar (U.S will-be graduate), Thaaqhib (Future ustaz-physicist), Farhan DQ-UIA and Syazwan Shah who is sadly now pursuing his medical degree at Egypt, and for all who love this beautiful creation of Allah, accept my 'cenderahati'. May it motivate us to pursue the night of Lailatul Qadr.

This video is about particle physics, one of the branches in Physics. Their mission is to understand this world. Some of the mysteries yet unsolved are -
1) Matter has their very partner called anti-matter. Every particle. Like electron with positron. The only differences are their charges and spins. So, when these two particles collide, they will annihilate and convert into pure energy 100% efficiency. So, physicists are in the adventure to find where did the anti-matter go? Some postulate if they find an efficient way(s) in anti-matter issue, they might solve the energy crisis. Nuclear explosions at Hiroshima and Nagasaki - the efficiency is only nearly 1%. Matter annihilates with anti-matter 100%.
2) Why is our gravity so weak? What causes gravity? Mere presence of mass causes space and time to warp, that's gravity, but what causes it? Some postulate graviton as the particle.
3) The existence of another dimensions. Masya Allah.
4) Dark matter and dark energy. You know, the whole universe, what we can see only make up 4% of this whole universe. The 4% is the stars, galaxy, planets, nebulae, and all the things you can see. The rest is dark......(pasang muzik Puaka Niyang Rapik)

....and many more to be known! ^.^

Haha.. One good thing about CERN worth sharing. Despite the greatest technology the have on Earth, and they created the Internet accidentally, they use bicycle in CERN! So 'go green' isn't it?

For those who wants to know what is CERN, this video explains what they do. Acap shared this! Oh..good friends I have around me. Alhamdulillah..

Thursday, August 26, 2010




Sudah mula terasa rindu dengan bi'ah solehah Al-Amin dan Darul Quran. Sedari kecil dididik dengan suasana terjaga. Tadika Amal sehingga Darul Quran. Semestinya kerinduan untuk melihat bunga-bunga akhlaq itu memuncak. Di saat berjalan dihadapan mereka yang lebih dewasa, ditunduk. Bercakap dengan guru, dihormati. Tiada salah untuk tidak sependapat dengan guru-guru, namun batasan hormat perlu lebih dijaga. Juga apabila bertugas, terasa hati memberontak. Dibincang dengan hati, adakah ianya terbaik untukku sekiranya tidak disertai redha guru? Logik yang kuat kami diterapkan. Logik yang terkait dengan kehidupan akhirat. Sayang, saya hanya mula menghargainya setelah keluar daripada bi'ah tersebut.

"Sudah tiba masanya orang Melayu Islam difahamkan bahawa Islam mereka itu di bawah Perlembagaan" kata peguam Azlina Jailana, Dato' Dr Cyrus Das.

When we have no wind against us for our airplanes to take off. When we have no pressure for our coal to form diamonds. When we have no hardship for our consciousness to appreciate; this is what happens.

Kadang-kadang terfikir, adakah bi'ah solehah itu membunuh? Lama persoalan ini bermain dalam benak fikiran. Kerna kelihatan seakan-akan graduan sekolah dan institusi agama layu dihumban gelora nafsu. Tidak - masih ada segelintir yang istiqamah.

Saya bukan bermazhab mereka yang menyalahkan kereta jika pemandu mengalami kemalangan.

Baru saya faham, mereka yang ada ma'rifah perlu naik kepada fikrah. Yang ada fikrah, perlu terus memecut menjadi harakah. Bergumpal bersama jemaah. Membina khilafah. Dalam proses transisi, Allah menyaring.

Saringan. Menapis-napis yang berkualiti sahaja untuk terus kekal. Kadang-kadang bila mahu kejar, tak dapat. Selagi istiqamah, insya ALLAH tak terbuang dalam tapisan. Insya Allah.

* Alhamdulillah. Ramadhan tahun ini, masih tak sebaik yang lepas. Masih memecut. Rindu kawan-kawan dan bi'ah. I need it!!!!

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

So be it


The Earthlings didn't understand why The Sun and The Moon acted that way. The unspoken conflict culminated at last. Yet - the culmination brought grief and sorrow to the Life on Earth. Such a disaster to Life.

The Sun and The Moon started being self-oriented. The Sun no longer wanted to shine The Moon. The Moon no longer wanted to reflect the light of The Sun. Yet - the selfishness act brought sadness. Such a disaster to Life.

The eldest of the Earthlings then spoke. To The Sun and The Moon - reminding them their responsibilities. To sustain life on Earth. To bring balance. Yet - none of them listened. Catastrophic.

The eldest then stood up, again. Spoke. Again, wrath had been blessed upon the eldest for his action.

"So be it" the eldest said.

"If it's meant to be, I'll be your Sun. Let alone no life will I have around me - my life is meaningful when I give you life. Let alone the fuel to burn - my memories of the past will burn my courage and action. Let alone the heat - my love to you will comfort me. Let alone being alone - because one day I'll be with you, in the heaven. Let alone of my life - when my life brings you life, my death will also give birth to hope and happiness. Such a supernova of paradoxical state - or of a glorious dwarf star."

"Who'll be the moon?" the earthlings asked.

"Not in my knowledge. The Moon was from the Earth itself once. Theia hit the Earth, debris formed the Moon. Now, I don't know. Will I wait for my binary star? Dancing around until the death invites?"

The question remained unanswered.

"If there is no one. No one to reflect my light, no one to inspire your life, just pray to Allah she'll come one day. I know she will" he said.

For the last time - the eldest went. Spoke in fury, manner, mixed with sadness and agony. Everything in his power, in his knowledge, in his wisdom - he used that day. He didn't want the Earth to be lifeless. Desperation took place. He was not what the Earthlings knew him. Nor the Sun and the Moon. In their face, he'd grown into something more sinister and evil. Yet - it needed to be done. For the Life, he thought. Let himself be the torrential tribute. ........After eons of standing in their ways, the unrest rested.

For now - he prays may the Sun and the Moon again be what they once had be. And the Life on Earth will be living as they were once lived.

"So be it" he said slowly.

So does the story told. Thank you.

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Clash of the Titans [Intro]



Dalam mengenali 'dunia' yang semakin tua ini, usaha yang berterusan dan bersungguh harus mengiringi mujahadah. Insya Allah, dalam siri ini, saya akan cuba sebolehnya membuat satu perbandingan di antara dua umat, dua kuasa, dua sistem gergasi, dua kepercayaan, dan dua nasib. Sedari dulu lagi, saya berkeinginan, amat menginginkan diri ini agar dapat melihat dunia ini dengan jelas dan telus dari segenap aspek. Sama ada dari segi fizikal, tersirat, moral, spiritual dan sebagainya.

Heh. Bunyi macam nak tulis buku kan? Gurau je. Tak ada. Saje je gurau. Weh, serius la gurau. Hak elah, serius gurau. =.=

Dalam perbandingan ini, saya akan cuba mencetus idea-idea melalui perbandingan antara dua wasilah-wasilah pembentukan manusia. Dengan pertempuran slogan global, "Novus Ordo Seclorum" yang membawa maksud "New Secular (World) Order" dan juga "Ustaziatul 'Alam" yang membawa maksud rujukan seluruh alam. Di bawah visi global ini, terdiri para ahli dunia dan akhirat, bersatu di bawah idea masing-masing untuk membawa pengaruh masing-masing menelusuri setiap denai-denai kehidupan. Perbandingan yang akan dikemukakan ini adalah pendapat peribadi penulis yang semestinya penuh cacat cela dan kesalahan - juga amat cetek dari segi intelektualnya. Semestinya. Justeru, saya berharap teguran mahupun perbincangan dapat dicetuskan sekiranya ada sebarang cetusan(tengok, ini ayat macam nak conduct forum pulak dah. ==)

Usaha-usaha, ideologi-ideologi mahupun fikrah-fikrah yang tersirat dalam setiap tahap. Daripada tahap manusia- individu, keluarga, masyarakat, negara, perundangan, dunia dan alam. Insya ALLAH.

* Titans di sini bukanlah dimaksudkan dengan Titans yang menjadi ibu bapa kepada Zeus, Hades dan Poseidon. Bukan juga dalam golongan Titan yang mentadbir dunia di dalam Azeroth. Perkataan itu hanya untuk menunjukkan kegergasian kedua-dua kewujudan. Usaha untuk menyebarkan Islam, dan menghancurkan Islam. Wallahu a'lam.

p/s - Light and Life akan bersambung insya Allah. Payah sikit part ni, sebab correlation critical.

Friday, August 13, 2010

Siapa kau?

Siapa kau?

Aku Asif. Kau siapa?

Aku adalah Kau. Kau tahu aku siapa?

Aku adalah aku, kau adalah kau. Kau bukan aku.

Tak, aku adalah Kau. Aku datang nak ingatkan kau pasal hidup kau.

Sudah, aku tahu macam mana nak hidup.

Kau jangan berpura-pura. Kau pegang Tali Allah, makin lama makin longgar. Kau tahu hidup tak bersama kau hari ini. Kau buat-buat lemah. Bodoh..

Apa yang kau tahu pasal aku?

Aku kan Kau. Semua aku tahu. Benda yang kau tak tahu, aku tahu. Kau jangan lupa, depan Allah nanti Islam akan datang - dakwa kita atau menyokong kita. Dakwa Kau atau sokong Kau. Kau jangan lupa, Nabi pernah bercerita tentang Umar al Khattab, Islam khabarkan pada Allah, "Ini dia orang yang buat aku kuat. Sebelum dia memeluk Islam, aku kecil. Aku menjadi kuat setelah itu". Apa kau rasa Islam akan khabarkan tentang diri kau?

Kenapa kau mahu ambil kisah? Ini hidup aku, bukan kau.
Kau masih belum faham kan? Aku Kau. Kalau kau masuk syurga, kita untung. Aku tak nak ikut kau masuk neraka. 

Baik. Aku dengar. Sila..

Kau remaja. Bangkitlah. Kau pemuda. Sedarkan diri kau akan tanggungjawab. Islam kau mana? Iman kau mana? Kau lupa sudah - Naqib kau selalu bertanya, apa sumbangan kau terhadap Islam? Sini cakap jalan, depan sana depan Tuhan. Jadi, aku harap kau bangkit balik. Gali dan cari semangat kau dahulu. Ini Ramadhan. Cepat-cepat naik. Takut tak ternaik nanti habis Ramadhan.

Kenapa kau nak aku bangkit?

Ilmu kau boleh jawab soalan itu. Jangan jadi bodoh sombong. Selak balik buku-buku di bilik kau. 

Kau tahu masalah aku? Jawapan kau bukan penyelesaian dia. Aku bukan budak kecik semua jawapan boleh suap.

Kau lupa, Allah ada. Zaman Nabi, ada masalah kembali pada Allah, baca Quran, solat. Kau buat semua itu? Ada kau duduk dan berdoa selepas solat? Kau jangan cari alasan. Cukuplah malaikat kiri kanan menyampah dengan kau. Sudah.. Mari bangun. Masalah itu menunggu untuk diselesaikan. Bukan menunggu penyelesaian datang. Kau bukan determinist, bukan juga yang mengagungkan free will. Kau ada Islam. Bersyukur.

Aku penat...

Penat? Kawan tersayang kau pun sudah masak dengan frasa yang selalu kau sebutkan pada dia, "Diamond is a lump of coal that did well under pressure". Jadilah seperti itu. Yakini Rahman dan Rahim Allah. Ikutkan Nabi lagi penat. Sudahlah.. Mari kembali pada Allah.. Jangan diikutkan kata nafsu.

Baik.. Aku cuba. Terima Kasih. Kau, duduk sini temani aku. Terima kasih..Doa kan aku ya.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Harapan langkah masa depan.



Kebelakangan ini, beberapa perkara telah berlaku - kemungkinan cukup-cukup kuat untuk mengubah perancangan hidup saya. Melontar jauh - tersasar. Boleh juga dikatakan bakal berlaku.

Ini perancangan hidup saya, sebelum ini.

Langkah Akademik 
Dalam masa dua tahun, saya akan menghabiskan A-Level. Ingin menyambung pelajaran ke Manchester - bersama Asyraf Roslan :) Dalam bidang fizik, insya Allah fizik nuklear. Kemudian, bercadang menyambung Master. PhD. Menyumbang kepada pembangunan nuklear umat Islam. Insya Allah. Langkah ini juga didasari minat yang mendalam terhadap ciptaan Allah ini. 
Simplicity lies within complexity
Langkah Kerjaya
Insya Allah. Masih kurang jelas, namun ingin terlibat dalam menyumbang kepada pembangunan nuklear umat Islam. Luas aplikasinya. Juga ingin melibatkan diri dalam sukarelawan ke Gaza dan ingin menyertai tentera simpanan atau apa-apa badan ketenteraan.
Go Muslim Physicists. We are needed!~

Langkah Peribadi
Insya Allah. Kekal istiqamah. Cukupkan muwasofat. Meningkatkan tahap intelektual dalam pemikiran, ilmu, juga isu. Menjaga hablumminallah dan hablumminannas. Bawa halaqah! Berusaha menyebarkan fikrah Islamiah. Insya Allah :)
Enrich human, you will enrich the world.

Langkah Keluarga
Ini yang penting juga. Hasrat membina keluarga sudah dirancang. Anak-anak pun sudah nak kena ditarbiah dari awal. Kawan saya, Muhammad Sheikh Salleh pernah pesan, apa yang kita buat, anak-anak kat tulang belakang ni tengok. So, kena start dari sekarang kalau nak ada anak yang baik. Insya Allah. Cadangnya, kalau jalan semua, dalam tempoh 'degree'. Dalam masa itu, cinta Allah itu jangan diganti. Hilangnya cinta Allah, petanda cinta itu tidak berkat. Apa nama cinta jika tidak dibawa kembali pada Allah, sedang Allah itu pemilik segala cinta?
Bila dua partikel ditemukan, coraknya amat cantik. Begitulah jika dua hati dimadu cinta Ilahi, hasilnya sangat memberangsangkan!!!! (Amboi..lain macam je)

Ini serba-serbi on the surface. Insya Allah, mengharapkan apa yang bakal berlaku tidak mengubah haluan ini, jikalau akan diubah, ya Allah datangkanlah kebaikan bersamanya. Kerana setiap langkah ini diiringi istikharah sebelum tekad - mengharapkan kebaikan dan redha Allah.

Up to now, five of my friends and my cousin had called me Micheal Scofield. Is it my face or my mind or my style that makes you called that?

P/s : Syukran kawan-kawan tersayang atas sokongan dan bantuan. Ramadhan sudah hampir!!!!!!!!!~  ALLAHU AkBAR!


Ramadhan Kareem!!!!


Sunday, August 8, 2010

What Tae-Kwon Do made me



I walked, while my eyes still on the stage. Amazing. These artists made the performance, to raise funds for the Palestinians. Allah really arranged this. First, Christians wanted to use Allah in their Bible - that united Muslims a bit. Then this. I thought; cool. Suddenly.. "Eh, ko Asip eh?". I looked. "Yelah.. Allah! Asip..lama tak nampak!" he hugged me. Still in confusion I looked at him again. He's Muhsin. Ya, I remembered. I hugged him back. Who's he? He's my team mate - Demo team. As both of us got our black belts in the same time, we are absorbed by our sir Dwen in the same demo team. But, that was years ago. Still, I missed being kicked till I fell, being punched at my face, being back-kicked until I couldn't barely breath, being able to raise my feet doing high-jump reverse turning kick, my legs being stretched till I scream, and doing team-pattern in which I screwed their motions - I paused because I was amused. =.= I miss it.

Yet, something had happened - in which it turned my whole life 180 degree. Gained one happiness, loss another.

Haha. I just wanted to share what Tae Kwon Do made me.
Always look straight at your opponent. I made a mistake like this in a tournament, I ended up barely unable to breath when he kicked like heck to my chest.

The Philosophy of Tae Kwon Do is actually deep enough. I only configured it bit by bit after years leaving it. Do martial art, it teaches you to be a good person :)

1. Whenever I was contained, or angry or upset, I used TKD as my cooling medium. I performed patterns till I got tired. Within each punch and kick, thrust and fast-motion maneuvers, I imagined them released my unstable emotion. Whenever I breathed, I circulated in positive energy - out negative energy. I was blessed - my sir is a devoted Muslim. We began our classes with du'a also ended with it. He kept reciting verse that described about how small numbers can defeat large numbers. TKD helped me to contain my anger.
I once can jump over three teenagers. Now, not even a fat cow =.=

2. TKD taught me how to deal with people. While in (1), the effects may still not effective anymore because I have left TKD 3 years ago, yet this effect still lasts. Especially in debating, I don't know how to describe it but I managed to have it in my mind, I treated my opponents the same way. Also, how to play facts, to find weaknesses, although I chose not to focus in debating, but I really see it in my mind the fusion of what I have learned in TKD and debating.
In TKDO, you got three marks for that. No attacks below belt. Penalty. He's reverse jumping I guess.

3. My reflexes. This is the most obvious I thing(mood super poyo - highest point of the system, 'poyo'tential energy is the highest). I have some traumas surrounding me. Still, after all these years. Pathetic. I can't still forget it completely. Whenever someone tries to do something, my hands and legs still work well. Surprisingly, they move without I'm deciding. To pinch my nose, to 'cubit' my parts of body, to snap me - my body still succeed in dodging most of this without I'm deciding. Some even got back-kicked whenever they try to reach the forbidden parts. I met a gay at Giant - he got kicked for trying to touch my forbidden parts. Alhamdulillah, for the time being my skills are still with me - a little =.=
I got kicked like this by my senior. Bleed my nose. I just met him today at Ansar during our Qiam Jama'ie. Hehe. Got third place in that tournament.

Sweet memories - I skipped classes for demo, we planned scenes, we broke boards, we 'jalan-jalan' to Sekolah Islam in Selangor. I even taught a class at PERNEC. Really miss it. We slept at hotel, at night we went for swimming, built human pyramid. We made friends. When we met, we know both of us had kicked each others' more than once. I almost burst by only seeing these pictures. Allah..

But, after years..

1. I once had gone into a rampage mode. Until now, I am dearly sorry and still regretting about it.
2. Now, I'm struggling to maintain a healthy life. When I was in TKD, biiznillah - my low-blood pressure was OK, but now, it is deteriorating. Allah...

Pattern - such a beautiful way of expressing your gratitude to Allah. It's beautiful. It's an insurmountable rush of awe. To know the artist, know his art. He's doing Gabae I think.

For that, my heart, mind and body yearn for a martial art. I have found one - in which it teaches me to utilize aura and energy. And it is just so cool that you can throw off people if their energy is also sufficient for you to repel them. And just last week my physics lecturer told us about a convention she went where they proved the existence of this energy. And aww... it really has urged me to immediately reschedule my schedule. But how? I got my enrichment classes of comparative religion Thursday night - the 'seni' also taught the same night at Puchong. Hmm.. Priority.

Ramadhan is coming. Oh, I miss it.

Allahumma Barik Lana fi Sya'ban, wa ballighna Ramadhan :) =) =) =)

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Of life and struggle - Allah is always with you.

Sometimes, life doesn't always be with you. What you know you cannot always make people understand. Even if it is true. Even if it is too simple - yet you cannot make people understand. It's life.

Sometimes, you lose yourself. It ain't that hard isn't it to lose yourself? Just let things happen. And happen and happen. You know when it is wrong - but you just see your heart weak and tired. Fatigue. Sick and ill. Your heart tries to reach you - ignorance is bliss.

Of Hitler's struggle - Of Friedrich's death of God - Of Darwin's difficulties of the theories - Of Christian's council of Nicea - Of Jew's birth of Muhammad - Of my own ignorance of responsibilities.

Events unfolded. Yet, we cannot wake up. Take a sip of breath and- still cannot move on. Allah..

Ar Rahman - Ar Rahim. These two names decorated every but one surah in the Quran. Such significance of presence only realized after years of learning.

Ar Rahman
The richest - vast and powerful - far-stretched - widest domain of love. Care. Guardian. He guards you, He cares about you and He is willing to do anything in order to protect you. He's like a caring boss, a loving CEO who rules the multiverse, and you are given the privilege as His believer - He will be with you along this life. What you ask, He grants - as long as it's good for you. He's with you whenever life throws unbearable problems, sufferings, despairs, and grief at you. He's the problem solver.

Ar Rahim
Less rich - specific and personal - special. He comes to you like a loving friend. Caters your life in an unexpected way. No less you could expect from Him. You fall, He helps you to get up. You sleep, He wakes you up. You can count on Him anything anywhere anytime. You loss your key, you can ask His help. You cannot prove the conjecture, you can ask His help. He treats you in a very friendly and loving way. Always - you had your back facing Him, yet He is Kind and All-Forgiving. He keeps giving you chances.

These two names - are two names from 99 names of Allah my God. You see - in al-Fatihah the first Surah in Quran Allah introduced Himself by these names. In the name of Allah, Ar Rahman and Ar Rahim. Now I see why Islam stays as the fastest growing religion on earth. Muslims have a very loving God. These two names encompass human yearnings of love. Real love.

Ar Rahman Ar Rahim - He is with you. Whenever you have big problems and small problems, He'll always be with you. Of that I will never doubt. I have a beautiful walk with Allah along this life. One day, trust me, one day, when the day comes - you'll end up crying. Cry and cry and cry. Why is Allah so kind and forgiving to us? We deny Him many times. Many deny Him. Many ignore Him. Allah still forgives us. Keep giving us chances. Your heart will sank - realizing how bad you have been as a servant. And how much Allah loves you. One day, I hope I'll end up like that.

Allah will always be with me. I know that. Ramadhan is coming.

"Ya Allah ya Wadud, ya Ghafur, please save me and my friends from fake love. If really the 'love' we wish is meant for us, keep it. Let us know after we have attained your love. Only by that way I know, you love the love I wish. Please save us from smart justification of syaitan, hatred, stupidity, and envy. Decorate our hearts with love, not with lust. Help us to stay healthy by heart and mind - and my soul. Let us be one of them who fights for your cause - I know the time is near. Please, bless my choices and guide me. Aminn.."

* Philosophy of Ar Rahman and Ar Rahim is extracted from a class, "How to think critically through the Balaghah of the Quran", reference - Fakhruddin ar Razi.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Rindu Ramadhan



Seriously, dah mula rindu suasana Ramadhan. Tahun lepas semasa di DQ, kurang rasa sikit berbanding tahun-tahun lain. Mungkin kawan-kawan lain rasa, tapi sebab ada kontrak dengan Selangor menjadi imam di masjid - banyak masa terluang di masjid luar balik pukul 12 malam. Dengan setiap hari kena hafal sekurangnya tiga muka sehari, dan peperiksaan semester 2 merapati, bulan itu memang memenatkan. Amat-amat memenatkan.

Dulu, semasa zaman sekolah menengah saya raikan Ramadhan tahap saya. Jatuh cinta pada masjid UIA merupakan perkara rutin bagi saya - dengan suasana solatnya amat menenangkan. Safnya dirapat-rapatkan, direbut-rebut saf depan, sehingga sekarang saya tidak jumpa lagi masjid seumpama itu. Terutama semasa Qiam, boleh didengar esak-esak makmum, malah dengan Imam ikut sekali menangis. Sepuluh malam terakhirnya, masjidnya hidup. Lampu tidak ditutup, masih segar lagi dalam fikiran saya - setiap kali terjaga akan ternampak halaqah dan majlis ilmu tidak putus-putus. Pejam celik pejam celik - aih? Ini pukul 2.30 pagi, biar betul. Sahurnya dirai  ramai-ramai. Iftarnya FREE!!! hoyeh! Tarawihnya manis...Aduh.. rindu zaman muda.

Di masa sekolah rendah, jangankan tingkat bawah, menara dan bangunan-bangunan habis diconquer budak Al-Amin bermain kejar-kejar. Di masa sekolah menengah, habis diconquer tingkat dua buat tempat iktikaf. Hampir habis sekolah menengah - ketenangan kami diganggu muazzin muda yang tegas lagi garang =.=

Sewaktu Ramadhan, cinta pada Quran amat tinggi. Alhamdulillah - Ramadhan menyediakan momentum untuk menghadapi 11 bulan penuh..

Moga Ramadhan kali ini, dikecapi dengan maksimum. Biar Iman bagaikan asymptote yang selamanya menaik dan terus menaik mendaki y-axis tiada henti. Amin..

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Konvokesyen Pertama dan Malam Seni



Referring to the 'iklan' in the television, your own story - 1 Malaysia. This is my story, and I love my life.

Konvokesyen DQ

 Alhamdulillah. Malam semalam saya dan kawan-kawan berkonvo. Alhamdulillah, kenangan manis. Terutama semasa persediaan dan karnival - penuh gelak ketawa dan bahan membahan setelah sekian lama tak ketemu. Sampai ke DQ pada malam Jumaat untuk raptai, kehadiran saya disambut oleh karnival yang masih hidup lagi disertai dengan rakan-rakan yang belum tidur dek seronok berjumpa teman lama. Ada yang sampai tak tidur langsung, menyebabkan majoriti graduan lelaki persijilan ternganga dan tersengguk semasa raptai.

Habis raptai terus dirai dengan berlegar-legar di sekitar karnival. Hush.. duit dan makanan. Berjumpa junior dan juga senior. Juga ikhwah-ikhwah sepasukan. Ingat lagi malam konvo, duduk kumpul dalam bilik.Ambil handphone Farhan yang boleh reverse lagu atau suara backward, cari lagu Lady Gaga Paparazzi, reverse kan, serius seram dengar agak jelas puja Lucifer. Pelik kan? Dulu hebat ambigram, sekarang pandai main sound pulak. Allah.. Seram.

Pada hari konvokesyen, bersama jubah 'entah apa orang panggil jubah tu nama apa ntah lupa dah' dipakai, amat seronok dan 'thrill' bak kata orang-orang surau. Gembira sangat. You know these guys - best duduk dengan mereka. Salah silap tegur, masjid ajak, kejut solat, gelak macam raksaksa dan joker, main bola macam apa hebat betul, pandai tak payah cerita la, hati baik, jaga ikhtilat. Bila masuk kolej, serius rindu suasana macam ini. Serius. Bi'ah solehah itu indah dan mutma'innah.

Maghrib terus pulang - ada malam seni Al-Amin. Konsep tahun ini - amat power. Lain daripada yang lain. Modern.

The rest.. let the pictures sing..

Malam Seni Al-Amin

Malam seni kali ini memang lain dari yang lain. Modern sangat. Gelak dan menangis. Gelak sebab budak-budak darjah 1 hingga darjah 6 buat persembahan. Menangis? Al-Amin had escalated me this high - thankful to Allah had placed me in the school. Good comes from the school, bad is essentially from me. Both came from the same source - yadhurru wa yanfa'u.

Love Al-Amin, Love DQ, will be loving my college. Soon..

These two events re-adjust, refresh my will and mission, as well as targets and destination. I know, mardhatillah isn't a mere physical destination - to reach it I must be spiritually in the direction - as the flower prepares itself to be flourished, so do I.