Sunday, January 31, 2010
perspectives me, right and wrong are derived from Quran and Hadith. to them, right and wrong are morally subjective. me, the better the person, the further he stays from bad things in personal context- not in da'wah context. to them, as long as they didnt breach anythng physically its ok. although they forgot they may breach it by heart and feelings. example- if one is in d middle of a conversation, a woman may laugh heartily in frnt of him. to that woman, it may be normal. but to him, that kind of action brings him something sensual. when that happens it is smthng dangerous. may lead to something unhuman. if i am given these two conditions- i choose the former. more efficiency, more respect, and more professional physically and emotionally. u treat woman with full of respect. u stay away from purposeless bussiness because God told u to do so and u are afraid that u might ruin her one day. ur general love and respect to women makes u refrain urself from breaching the hukum. islam is too perfect. 3. to me, i view Islam as a complete way of life. not merely a religion but a way of life. it reconciles science and religion. it respects both components: sunnatullah(science) and syariatullah. i also view science's sister which is syariah is superior than science. why? history had presented to me three phase of islam's development. in the first phase- religion alone can help human out from the miseries of jahiliyah. prophet Muhammad was neither a man of science nor religion. he just embraced his fitrah and acted according it before the QURAN was revealed to him. and thats it, he succeeded in bringing light to human life. the 2nd phase, where umaiyah n abasiyah ruled the world. their contributions to the science are undeniable. science gained its momentum in these ages. still, from ini sejarah kita(isk) i learned that they were defeated implicitly because they started to raise science higher than its sister. 3rd phase. renaissance and enlightenment periods-people started to push christian aside and embraced both humanism and secularism. later they brought a globalized view that stated religion was outdated and did not compatible with science. they forgot to mention that the view was only applicable to christian and not islam. yet- until now many of us are waiting what can science do to mankind without its sister. today's condition shows its potential without religion. to them(1) religion should be separated from our daily life. the place for religion is only in rumah ibadat with its rituals. they claim people have their freedom to choose whether to do something compulsory or not. such notion is only based on nafsu and keinginan diri. while to them(2) science is not a part of islam. those who regard science as a part of islam are to be condemned; an act of blasphemy. this kind of people merely follows tradition heartily and is afraid of change. they understand tradition better than try to digest and ingest His book of signs. to me, i try to live my life as a full time muslim. i will try not to live with excuses. i know God has planned a victorious climax for islam in human history before the time ends. qiamat. and i know all things will be our witnesses; of body. and i want to be honoured in front of my God when they are all supporting me. saying that i took part in uprising of islam. wow. and then heaven. yes, i want to live in a land called paradise. -them in this post refers to different parties. :)
Thursday, January 28, 2010
Konvensyen Pemikiran Hasan Al Banna
Salam. Hoho. Sedang mengepost post ini dari train ktm. Baru bluetooth software baru. Kalau sebelum ini guna opera mini 2.00, kena hack system dulu baru dapat free. Kini, opera mini 5.00 beta version mempunyai solid setting yang membolehkan anda melayari internet dengan mudah di mana-mana secara percuma! Haha. Dalam perjalanan pulang ke rumah. Malam ini ada seminar di UM. Harapnya segala berjalan dengan lancar. Dalam dua hari lepas itu, konvoi dari DQ ke UNITEN Putrajaya. Konvoi kecik je. Dua kereta. Tak dapat cari banyak. Banin 8 banat 15. Tapi, masalahnya kereta ada dua baru. Tinggal lagi satu untuk cukupkan. Moga diberi jalan keluar. Justeru..Ceh..Haha..Tak adalah. Nak ajak reader sama-sama kita pergi. Faham pemikiran mujaddid agama kita. Faham formula macam mana nak dirikan balik khilafah kita. Nak bangun kena sama-sama. Jom! (dalam mood syok nak balik) MAKLUMAT LANJUT :
Saturday, January 23, 2010
Does GOD exist according to modern science?
[Ringtone message] Mesej masuk..
"Salam. erm, asif. nak tanya nta ok ke?"
"Ws. ya. alhamdulillah. ngapain?"
"Boleh ana interrupt skit? blog nta..kenapa bahasa nta macam x macam dulu?"
"Apa yg x mcm dulu? len ek?"
"Agakla..mcm ringan sgt..n santai sgt.."
"Jangan rso..hanya penyesuaian diri..sasaran blog ana bkn ikhwah2 akhawat2..tu je..mesej masih ada kan?"
"Hmmm..yelah..ana pcaya nta. Jaga iman leklok. salam"
Kemungkinan ada gaya bahasa yang tidak sesuai atau yang membuat bulu meremang(hehe), sejuta kemaafan dari tuan blog. Hanya wujud sedikit asimilasi budaya. Ambil yang jernih, buang yang keruh. Selari dengan sasaran blog ini. Bukanlah sasaran pembaca dari mereka yang sudah disyarahkan Majmu'atur Rasa'il, mahupun sudah pergi Jaulah, juga bukan untuk mereka yang sudah berbai'ah, namun golongan yang lebih ingin didekati iaitu mereka yang masih mencari. Sumber-sumber kekuatan Islam yang masih belum digarap, digilap juga dicanai. Macam mana ye? Seluruh dunia sedang bergerak. Perbezaan semakin jelas. Arah tuju semakin jelas. Tinggal pilihan tuan punya badan je..


[Ringtone message] Mesej masuk..
"Salam. erm, asif. nak tanya nta ok ke?"
"Ws. ya. alhamdulillah. ngapain?"
"Boleh ana interrupt skit? blog nta..kenapa bahasa nta macam x macam dulu?"
"Apa yg x mcm dulu? len ek?"
"Agakla..mcm ringan sgt..n santai sgt.."
"Jangan rso..hanya penyesuaian diri..sasaran blog ana bkn ikhwah2 akhawat2..tu je..mesej masih ada kan?"
"Hmmm..yelah..ana pcaya nta. Jaga iman leklok. salam"
Kemungkinan ada gaya bahasa yang tidak sesuai atau yang membuat bulu meremang(hehe), sejuta kemaafan dari tuan blog. Hanya wujud sedikit asimilasi budaya. Ambil yang jernih, buang yang keruh. Selari dengan sasaran blog ini. Bukanlah sasaran pembaca dari mereka yang sudah disyarahkan Majmu'atur Rasa'il, mahupun sudah pergi Jaulah, juga bukan untuk mereka yang sudah berbai'ah, namun golongan yang lebih ingin didekati iaitu mereka yang masih mencari. Sumber-sumber kekuatan Islam yang masih belum digarap, digilap juga dicanai. Macam mana ye? Seluruh dunia sedang bergerak. Perbezaan semakin jelas. Arah tuju semakin jelas. Tinggal pilihan tuan punya badan je..

Silalah datang. Kalau free. Brother Shah Kirit ni speaker untuk Friendly Comparative Religion. Very lucid and fluid cara dia elucidate agama-agama. Dalam konflik(ke?) antara agama-agama, theists and atheists, marilah kita bersama-sama meluangkan waktu. (Thinking..macam mana nak keluar DQ?) Ehehehe...kadang-kadang kenakalan sewaktu menengah dan rendah amat bermanfaat ketika ini..a hidden art that'll only be learned at a specific age. When the time passed, the hidden art will never appear..haha.
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
I love You
I don't know if this feeling is real. I feel it. What about you? You lived your life. You prostrated to Allah at the end of the day. You prayed in the morning, full of hope. You filled your heart with His grace. You observed His creations, you praised Him. You tried to follow the Sunnah, and your heart swelled with love for Muhammad. You kept in touch with your friends. You stayed connected with your family. You love them very much. Call and text. You did everything as best as you could. You dreamed of becoming a Muslim that will help Islam. After all that you had, still in your heart you feel there's an empty space. God intentionally emptied the space for a special person. For her, your wife and soul mate. Your heart longingly missing her.
My dear, although I DON'T KNOW YOU YET. You may be someone I know. Or maybe not. I just want to say,
I love you and I miss you very much. Do keep your heart just for me. Do be a good servant of Allah. Do be a good daughter. I love you my dear, Lillah. Take care my dear!
My dear, although I DON'T KNOW YOU YET. You may be someone I know. Or maybe not. I just want to say,
I love you and I miss you very much. Do keep your heart just for me. Do be a good servant of Allah. Do be a good daughter. I love you my dear, Lillah. Take care my dear!
Monday, January 18, 2010
Kita teruskan!
Baru lepas kawan Langkawi call. Same thing berlaku pada kami. Apa agaknya? Teka lah. Hehe. Apa yang aku nak cakap utk yang tengah nak jadi soleh dan musleh, jangan sekali-kali putus asa. Allah nak ajar macam-macam, dan cara mesti unik. Nama pun Tuhan. Kadang-kadang Allah ajar melalui kesilapan. Diletakkan dalam perasaan serba salah, keliru, marah, defenseless, malah buat SALAH! Banyak kali! Mula2 memang kau persoalkan. Why?! Why! Then, Allah dengan lembut leraikan simpulan dalam hati kau. Aku rasa dan sedang merasa. Baru aku faham, Allah hanya nak naikkan darjat aku di sisi Dia. Baru hati tenang. Biarlah yang belah 'sana' nak kata apa, tapi Ketenangan tak boleh dipalsukan kan? Yang dah lepas, aku amik pengajaran. Takda hal la. Setakat gado budak-budak. Time tu dengan sekarang jauh beza. Our paradigm had shifted. We view you in a different way now. Nicer and cooler and calmer way. What about you? The way you act indicates yours. Insya Allah. Both of us dah lepas hukum taklifi. What about you? Barakallahu fiik.
Thursday, January 14, 2010
Jangan kacau rumah ibadat.
Setelah membaca respons sahabat saya, Syazwan di INTI, tergerak untuk bersuara.
Saya tak bersetuju dengan pembakaran gereja-gereja. Walaupun saya di side yang tak bersetuju nama Allah dikongsi, namun saya pasti sesiapa yang membakar gereja bukanlah dari same range of set of understanding. Pelakunya tidak diketahui siapa. Namun, apa yang saya pasti, satu sentimen Islamophobia sedang dimainkan di sini. Sama ada pembakar gereja orang 'mereka', atau orang kita yang menjadi boneka 'mereka'. Dalam isu ini, marilah bersama-sama menanganinya dengan waras, berakal dan tenang. Hormati muslim yang menerima kerna mereka juga punyai pendapat berhujah. Yang penting, ambil peluang ini seperti Rasulullah mengambil peluang dalam perjanjian Hudaibiyah. Cuma, dalam toleransi agama, jangan sampai nama Allah direndah-rendahkan. Ciri Islam -al Inqilabiyah. Islam tertegak atas keruntuhan jahiliyah. Bukan seiring, bukan sekata, bukan sehala. Akhir kata, kita ini Muslim. Jadilah Muslim sebenar-benarnya. Bukan pada nama sahaja
Setelah membaca respons sahabat saya, Syazwan di INTI, tergerak untuk bersuara.
Saya tak bersetuju dengan pembakaran gereja-gereja. Walaupun saya di side yang tak bersetuju nama Allah dikongsi, namun saya pasti sesiapa yang membakar gereja bukanlah dari same range of set of understanding. Pelakunya tidak diketahui siapa. Namun, apa yang saya pasti, satu sentimen Islamophobia sedang dimainkan di sini. Sama ada pembakar gereja orang 'mereka', atau orang kita yang menjadi boneka 'mereka'. Dalam isu ini, marilah bersama-sama menanganinya dengan waras, berakal dan tenang. Hormati muslim yang menerima kerna mereka juga punyai pendapat berhujah. Yang penting, ambil peluang ini seperti Rasulullah mengambil peluang dalam perjanjian Hudaibiyah. Cuma, dalam toleransi agama, jangan sampai nama Allah direndah-rendahkan. Ciri Islam -al Inqilabiyah. Islam tertegak atas keruntuhan jahiliyah. Bukan seiring, bukan sekata, bukan sehala. Akhir kata, kita ini Muslim. Jadilah Muslim sebenar-benarnya. Bukan pada nama sahaja
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
An effort Lillah
Salam. As the issue keeps reverberating throughout the cosmic, I would like to call upon Muslims to do what we can. Personally, my tendency is NOT TO AGREE with the usage of the word Allah.
Thus, for those who have the very same opinion with me, while waiting let us do something. Let us introduce to the community who is Allah. "My God is one and only. I worship him without any divided loyalty. Because I know he's one. When I say one, I mean it. It's simple. I know some are confused. Whos gonna have more? The Son, Father or Spirit? Of course, three different identities are to be regarded as one. It's confusing. I have tried to look at my mother and regard her as my father. But, I just cant super impose that complete and wonderful identity. It would make her weird. She's already beautiful. Does it matter with you? Well, try to have a peek into our creed. You'll find it simply amazing. He didn't have any Son, nor will He sacrifice His loved ones in order to forgive sins, because He's All Forgiving. Allahu Ahad!"
Thus, for those who have the very same opinion with me, while waiting let us do something. Let us introduce to the community who is Allah. "My God is one and only. I worship him without any divided loyalty. Because I know he's one. When I say one, I mean it. It's simple. I know some are confused. Whos gonna have more? The Son, Father or Spirit? Of course, three different identities are to be regarded as one. It's confusing. I have tried to look at my mother and regard her as my father. But, I just cant super impose that complete and wonderful identity. It would make her weird. She's already beautiful. Does it matter with you? Well, try to have a peek into our creed. You'll find it simply amazing. He didn't have any Son, nor will He sacrifice His loved ones in order to forgive sins, because He's All Forgiving. Allahu Ahad!"
Friday, January 8, 2010
Untuk yang berdosa, Allah nak pesan sesuatu..
Katakanlah, "Wahai hamba-hamba Ku yang melampaui batas terhadap diri mereka sendiri! Janganlah kamu berputus asa dari rahmat Allah. Sesungguhnya Allah mengampuni dosa-dosa semuanya. Sungguh, Dialah yang Maha Pengampun, Maha Penyayang. Dan kembalilah kamu kepada Tuhanmu, dan berserah dirilah kepadaNya sebelum datang azab kepadamu, kemudian kamu tidak dapat ditolong.
[Al Zumar, 53-54]
Ini pujukan Tuhanmu. Kembalilah kepadaNya. Still have times. Jangan tunggu nyawa di kerongkong. Yang dah buka aurat kaki tangan lengan dada dan apa-apa yang sewaktu dengannya, jom tutup balik haq ekslusif suami. Yang dah pegang tangan main mata jalin cinta, betul ke nak bina rumahtangga bermodalkan dosa? Pause kejap dulu. Yang dah sentuh arak dan lain-lain, jom taubat. Arak itu ibu kejahatan. Laknat wahai kawan, dari Tuhan. Yang rasa dah jauh dari parents, dekatkan balik. Redha mereka Redha Allah. Buat yang rasa hati dah gersang, jom join usrah. Apply siraman hati. Moga kita jumpa Allah dalam keadaan yang menggembirakan.
[Al Zumar, 53-54]
Ini pujukan Tuhanmu. Kembalilah kepadaNya. Still have times. Jangan tunggu nyawa di kerongkong. Yang dah buka aurat kaki tangan lengan dada dan apa-apa yang sewaktu dengannya, jom tutup balik haq ekslusif suami. Yang dah pegang tangan main mata jalin cinta, betul ke nak bina rumahtangga bermodalkan dosa? Pause kejap dulu. Yang dah sentuh arak dan lain-lain, jom taubat. Arak itu ibu kejahatan. Laknat wahai kawan, dari Tuhan. Yang rasa dah jauh dari parents, dekatkan balik. Redha mereka Redha Allah. Buat yang rasa hati dah gersang, jom join usrah. Apply siraman hati. Moga kita jumpa Allah dalam keadaan yang menggembirakan.
Monday, January 4, 2010
New Hope
As I type ths, I put my hope to ths new generation. Just fnishd my to-do-list for tmorrow. Called Mama, askd her bout my siblings and their schools. Ayaz msk tadika hrni. He's good intrprsonal skills.
Penggunaan kalimah Allah. Mgundang polemik. 31 Dis, pndai pilih tarikh, di wktu Muslim tgh sbuk nak celebrate new year, kuffar syok jatuhkan kita.
They said, masyarakat jahiliah dulu guna Allah. Dlm Quran pun ada. Ble isu ni tmbul, auto mulut aku recite ayat2 tu. Tapi, mslhnya, msyrkt dulu acknowledge rububiyyah Allah, cuma deny Ilahiyah. It means their perception is right. Kuffar that time knew who is Allah. But, Christian uses Allah, they reprsnt Him in a diffrnt view. That's the problem. Keliru bg yg tk thu. Baru kena attack implicitly, 200 ribu dh dftr nak murtad. Kalau explicit?
Pemimpin2 pulak layu. Bila time politik, sume bak datang hayun sana sini. Time agama, sepatah haram senyap layu. Tak guna!
Jd dgn ini aku seru kte sign petition! Tgk blog Luq jordan. Kalo korg syg agama and adik2 korg.
As I type ths, I put my hope to ths new generation. Just fnishd my to-do-list for tmorrow. Called Mama, askd her bout my siblings and their schools. Ayaz msk tadika hrni. He's good intrprsonal skills.
Penggunaan kalimah Allah. Mgundang polemik. 31 Dis, pndai pilih tarikh, di wktu Muslim tgh sbuk nak celebrate new year, kuffar syok jatuhkan kita.
They said, masyarakat jahiliah dulu guna Allah. Dlm Quran pun ada. Ble isu ni tmbul, auto mulut aku recite ayat2 tu. Tapi, mslhnya, msyrkt dulu acknowledge rububiyyah Allah, cuma deny Ilahiyah. It means their perception is right. Kuffar that time knew who is Allah. But, Christian uses Allah, they reprsnt Him in a diffrnt view. That's the problem. Keliru bg yg tk thu. Baru kena attack implicitly, 200 ribu dh dftr nak murtad. Kalau explicit?
Pemimpin2 pulak layu. Bila time politik, sume bak datang hayun sana sini. Time agama, sepatah haram senyap layu. Tak guna!
Jd dgn ini aku seru kte sign petition! Tgk blog Luq jordan. Kalo korg syg agama and adik2 korg.
Saturday, January 2, 2010
LHC is to bombard again! Beams and beams
Geneva, 18 December 2009. At its 153rd session today, the CERN1 Council heard that the Large Hadron Collider ended its first full period of operation in style on Wednesday 16 December. Collisions at 2.36TeV recorded since last weekend have set a new world record and brought to a close a successful first run for the world’s most powerful particle accelerator. The LHC has now been put into standby mode, and will restart in February 2010 following a short technical stop to prepare for higher energy collisions and the start of the main research programme.
The LHC circulated its first beams of 2009 on 20 November, ushering in a remarkably rapid beam-commissioning phase. The first collisions were recorded on 23 November, and a world-record beam energy was established on 30 November. Following those milestones, a systematic phase of LHC commissioning led to an extended data-taking period to provide data for the experiments. Over the last two weeks, the six LHC experiments have recorded over a million particle collisions, which have been distributed smoothly for analysis around the world on the LHC computing grid.
“Council is extremely pleased and impressed by the way the LHC, the experiments and the computing Grid have operated this year,” said President of Council Torsten Åkesson. “The laboratory set itself an ambitious but realistic programme at its February planning meeting. The fact that all the objectives set back then have been achieved is a ringing endorsement of the step-by-step approach adopted by the CERN management.”
A technical stop is needed to prepare the LHC for higher energy running in 2010. Before the 2009 running period began, all the necessary preparations to run up to a collision energy of 2.36 TeV had been carried out. To run at higher energy requires higher electrical currents in the LHC magnet circuits. This places more exacting demands on the new machine protection systems, which need to be readied for the task. Commissioning work for higher energies will be carried out in January, along with necessary adaptations to the hardware and software of the protections systems that have come to light during the 2009 run. Taking advantage of the stop, the CMS experiment will upgrade part of its water cooling system.
“So far, it is all systems go for the LHC,” said CERN Director General Rolf Heuer. “This first running period has served its purpose fully: testing all the LHC’s systems, providing calibration data for the experiments and showing what needs to be done to prepare the machine for a sustained period of running at higher energy. We could not have asked for a better way to bring 2009 to a close.”
Among other Council business was the question of geographic enlargement of CERN. Council heard from a working group established in 2008 to examine this question, and accepted a series of guiding principles concerning the geographic enlargement of CERN, with a possible associate status involving balanced benefits and obligations being developed. In parallel, CERN has received five applications for membership over the past 12 months. Council decided to establish a working group to undertake the tasks of technical verification and fact-finding relating to these applications.
This was the last Council meeting to be chaired by Professor Åkesson, who hands over the Council’s Presidency to Professor Michel Spiro, Director of the French National institute of nuclear and particle physics (CNRS/IN2P3).
“It has been a privilege to preside over the CERN Council during this crucial phase in the history of CERN and of particle physics,” said Professor Åkesson, “and I am very pleased to be handing over to my friend and colleague Michel Spiro on such a high note.”
“I am greatly honoured to have been elected President of the CERN Council,” said Professor Spiro. “I will be the Council’s 20th President, and it is with humility that I take up the mantle of my illustrious predecessors, not least Professor Åkesson, who has made significant progress with the Organization over the term of his mandate. With the first results from the LHC eagerly anticipated, the period ahead promises to be a golden era: it is these results that will shape the future of particle physics and of CERN.”
Full details of the 153rd meeting of the CERN Council are available on the CERN Council website at:
Kaki punya nota -> Ini CERN menjalankan kajian tentang fizik partikel atau quantum physics. Mereka cuba mengkaji alam semesta ini terdiri daripada 'apa'. Mereka memecahkan zarah demi zarah untuk mencari apa di sebalik zarah itu. Mereka cuba menyatukan atau mencari keharmonian di antara empat daya kendiri(?) fundamental forces. Strong nuclear force, weak nuclear force, elctromagnetic force, dan gravity. Memecahkan zarah bagaikan anda memecahkan jam. Anda mencari partikel-partikel yang baru, kesan dan fungsi dia pada alam. Pecahkan dan cari.. :)
The LHC circulated its first beams of 2009 on 20 November, ushering in a remarkably rapid beam-commissioning phase. The first collisions were recorded on 23 November, and a world-record beam energy was established on 30 November. Following those milestones, a systematic phase of LHC commissioning led to an extended data-taking period to provide data for the experiments. Over the last two weeks, the six LHC experiments have recorded over a million particle collisions, which have been distributed smoothly for analysis around the world on the LHC computing grid.
“Council is extremely pleased and impressed by the way the LHC, the experiments and the computing Grid have operated this year,” said President of Council Torsten Åkesson. “The laboratory set itself an ambitious but realistic programme at its February planning meeting. The fact that all the objectives set back then have been achieved is a ringing endorsement of the step-by-step approach adopted by the CERN management.”
A technical stop is needed to prepare the LHC for higher energy running in 2010. Before the 2009 running period began, all the necessary preparations to run up to a collision energy of 2.36 TeV had been carried out. To run at higher energy requires higher electrical currents in the LHC magnet circuits. This places more exacting demands on the new machine protection systems, which need to be readied for the task. Commissioning work for higher energies will be carried out in January, along with necessary adaptations to the hardware and software of the protections systems that have come to light during the 2009 run. Taking advantage of the stop, the CMS experiment will upgrade part of its water cooling system.
“So far, it is all systems go for the LHC,” said CERN Director General Rolf Heuer. “This first running period has served its purpose fully: testing all the LHC’s systems, providing calibration data for the experiments and showing what needs to be done to prepare the machine for a sustained period of running at higher energy. We could not have asked for a better way to bring 2009 to a close.”
Among other Council business was the question of geographic enlargement of CERN. Council heard from a working group established in 2008 to examine this question, and accepted a series of guiding principles concerning the geographic enlargement of CERN, with a possible associate status involving balanced benefits and obligations being developed. In parallel, CERN has received five applications for membership over the past 12 months. Council decided to establish a working group to undertake the tasks of technical verification and fact-finding relating to these applications.
This was the last Council meeting to be chaired by Professor Åkesson, who hands over the Council’s Presidency to Professor Michel Spiro, Director of the French National institute of nuclear and particle physics (CNRS/IN2P3).
“It has been a privilege to preside over the CERN Council during this crucial phase in the history of CERN and of particle physics,” said Professor Åkesson, “and I am very pleased to be handing over to my friend and colleague Michel Spiro on such a high note.”
“I am greatly honoured to have been elected President of the CERN Council,” said Professor Spiro. “I will be the Council’s 20th President, and it is with humility that I take up the mantle of my illustrious predecessors, not least Professor Åkesson, who has made significant progress with the Organization over the term of his mandate. With the first results from the LHC eagerly anticipated, the period ahead promises to be a golden era: it is these results that will shape the future of particle physics and of CERN.”
Full details of the 153rd meeting of the CERN Council are available on the CERN Council website at:
Kaki punya nota -> Ini CERN menjalankan kajian tentang fizik partikel atau quantum physics. Mereka cuba mengkaji alam semesta ini terdiri daripada 'apa'. Mereka memecahkan zarah demi zarah untuk mencari apa di sebalik zarah itu. Mereka cuba menyatukan atau mencari keharmonian di antara empat daya kendiri(?) fundamental forces. Strong nuclear force, weak nuclear force, elctromagnetic force, dan gravity. Memecahkan zarah bagaikan anda memecahkan jam. Anda mencari partikel-partikel yang baru, kesan dan fungsi dia pada alam. Pecahkan dan cari.. :)
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